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Рис. 20,12. Результаты расчет., злементои СВЧ фильтра ниж-

, командном уровне мреобра юдходнщен реализации Ре-е параметры

Выравнивание группового времени задержки может производиться двумя способами секция полоскового выравнивателя можч объединиться с фильтром или выравниватель может присоединяться к фильтру каскадно с помощью подпрограммы DEELAY Выравниватели также могут выполняться на элементах как с сосредоточенными, так и с распределенными параметрами

Наряду с пассивными цепями программа FILSYN может сннте,*ировать цифровые н активные фильтры Для иллюстрации возможности применения про граммы FJLSYN при проектировании фильтров приведем пример синтеза фильтра нижннх частот 5-гигагерцевого диапазона, состоящего из двух единичных элементов и трех параллетьных разомкнутых шлейфов Результаты выполнения программы FILSYN приведены на рис 20.11 а соответствующие характеристики фнльтра представлены на рис 20,12

[ 1 ] Southworth, G.C., "Hyper-Frequency Waveguides - General

Considerations and Experimental Results," Bell Sys Tech

J, Vol. 15, April 1936, pp 284-309 [ 2] Carson, J.R., S.P. Meade, and S A. Schelkunoff, "Ну

per-Frequency Waveguides - Mathematical Tbeory," Bell

Sys. Tech. J. April 1936, pp. 310-333 [3] Southworth, G.C., "Some Fundamental Expenments with

Waveguides," Proc. IRE, Vol. 25. July 1937, pp 807-822 [4] Southworth, G.C., "Sorvey and History of the Progress of

Microwave Arts," Proc IRE, Vol 50, No 5. May 1962,

pp 1199-1206

[5] Smith, P.H., "Transmission Line Calculator," £/ecfronics. Vol. 12, Jan. 1939, pp. 29 31. and Smith, P.H., "An Improved Transmisfflon Line Calculator," Electronics, Vol 17, Jan 1944, pp 130-133, 318, 320. 322. 324-325

16] Fox, A.G., "An Adjustable Waveguide Phase Changer," Proc. IRE, Vol 35, Dec. 1947, pp. 1489 1498

[ 7 ] Tyrrell, W A., "Hybrid Circuits for Microwaves," Proc IRE Vol 35, Nov. 1947, pp. 1294-1306

[8] Mumfoid, W.W.. "Directional Couplers,"Proc IRE, Vol 35, Feb. 1947, pp 160-165

[9] Barrett, R.M., and M.H Barnes, "Microwave Printed Circuits," National Conf. on Airborne Electronics, IRE, Ohio May 1951

[ 10 ] fttters, R W , al. Handbook of Tn plate Microwave Com ponents, Sanders Associates, Nashua, New Hampshire, 1956

[11] Howe, H, Jr., Smp/meaTCUi(Z)esiDedham, Mass- Artech House, 1974

[12] Wheeler, H.A., "Directional Coupler," U.S. Patent No-2,606,974 filed 16 May 1946, issued 12 Aug. 1952

[ 131 Greig. D.D, and H.F. Engelmann, "Microstrip - A New Tnmsmission Technique for the Kilomegacycle Ranga," Proc IRE,VqI 40, Dec 1952. pp 1644-1650

[ 14] Assadounan, F., and E. Rimai, "Simplified Theory of Micro-rtrip Transmission Systems. Proc IRE, Vol. 40, Dec 1952, pp 1651-1657

[ 15 ] Wheeler, H. A., "Transmission Line Properties of Parallel

Wide Strips by Conformal Mapping Approximation," IEEE Trans. Microimve Tfteory Tech.. Vol МТГ-12 1964, pp 280-289.

116] Wheeler H. A., "Transmission Line Properties of Parallel Strips Separated by a Dielectric Sheet," IEEE Trans. Mi-crowaue Theory Tech. Vol. MTT-13, 1966, pp 172-186

117] Schilling, S W , e( of., "The Real World ot Micromin Substrates-Part 1 to Part 6," Aficrouioues, Vol. 7,Dec 1968, pp. 52-56, Voh 8, Jan. 1969, pp. 44-46, 57-60; Sept. 1969, pp 36-38; Dec 1-969, pp 54-57, Vol 10, March 1971, pp 54 56.

[18] "Microwave Integrated Circuits," Special Issue IEEE Trans

on Electron Devices. Vol. ED-15 July 1968 [ 19] "Microwave Integrated Circuits, Special bsue, IEEE Tram

on Microwave Theory and Techniques Vol MTT-19 July


[20] Gupta, К С, and Amarjit Singh (Eds.), Microwave Integrated

Orcuits, New Delhi, Wiley Eastern Pvt. Ltd and New York,

Halsted Press (John Wiley and Sons), 1974 121] FTey,J.,ed., Microwave Integrated Circuits Dedham Mass

Artech House, 1974 [ 22 ] Cohn, S.B., "Slot Line on a Dielectric Substrate," IEEE

Trans. Microwave Theory Tech.. Vol. MTT.17,1969 pp


[23] Gupta,KC,R Garg, and l.J. Bahl, McrosWp imes anrf Slotlines, Dedham, Mass. Artech House, 1979.

[ 24] Aitchison, C.S., et al. "Lumped Microwave Circuits - Part I to Fait V." Design Electronics. Sept 1971, pp 23-28; Oct 1971, pp. 30-39; Nov. 1971, pp. 42-61. Msonilips Tech. Rev., VoL 32,1971, pp 305-314

126) Pengelly, R.S., and D.C. Rickard, "Design, Measurements and Application of Lumped Elements up to J band," Proc 7th European Microwave Conf, 1977, Copenhagen, pp 460-464

[26] Okoshi, Т., and T Miyoshi, "The Planar Circuit-An Approach to Microwave Integrated Circuitry," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. Vol. MTT 20.1972, pp. 246-252.

(27) Mehal, E.W., and R W. Wacker "GaAsIntegrated Microwave Circuits," J>iins. Electron Devices Vol. ED 16, July 1968, pp. 613-616.

[ 28) Hasan, M M, and S.K. MuUick, "Monolithic MICs" in Micro-wave Integrated Circuits, K.C. Gupta and Amaijit Singh, Eds., Halsted Press (John Wiley and Sons), 1974

[29) "Future of Microwaves is Monolithic " Editorial Microwave System News, Vol. 8, No 11, 1978 p 60

[30] "Microwave Field-Effect Transistors," Special Issue, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT 24 June 1976

[31 ] Gupta, K.C., Microwaves, New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Ltd 1979 and New York Halsted Press (John Wiley) 1980, Ch. 10 on "Microwave Integrated Circuits."

[32] Periman, B.S, and V.G Gelnovatch, "Computer Aided

Design, Simulation and Optimization," in Advances in Microwaves, L. Young and H. Sobol, Eds. Vol. 8, New York Academic Press 1974

[33] White, J.F., Semiconductor Con(TO(, Dedham, Mass Artech House, 1977, see Ch 6 on "Mathematical Techniques and Computer Aided Design pp. 177 243.

[ 34 ] "S-Parameteis, Circuit Analysis and Design, Hewlett Pack aid.Appticatton Note No. 95 September 1968

[35] Lee, СМ., c( a/., "Semiconductor Device Simulation," Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT 22 1974 pp 160-177

[36] Hartmann, K., and M J O. Strutt, "Computer Simulation of Small Signal and Noise Behaviour of Microwave Bipolar Transistors up to 12 GHz," IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech., Vol MTT-22 1974, pp. 178-183.

[37] Silvester, P, and Z.J. Csendes, Numerical Modeling of Passive Microwave Devices." IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT.22, 1974, pp. 190-201

[38[ Hackborn, R.A., "An Automatic Network Analyzer System," Microwave Journal Vol. 11, No. 5,1968

{39} Oliver, B.M., and J M. Cage, Electronic Measurements and

Instrumentation. New York: McGraw HUl, 1971 140] Hoer, C. A., "A Network Analyzer Incorporating Two Six-Port Reflectometers," IEEE Tfans. Microwave Theory Tecft , Vol МТГ25.1977,рр. 107ai074. [ 411 Engen, G F , "The Six-Port ReHectometer: An Alternative Network Analyzer," Trans. Microwm Tbeory Tech, Vol. МТГ 25,1977, pp 1075-1080 142) Monaco, V.A and P. Tibeno, "Computer-Aided Analysis of Microwave Circuits," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-22,1974, pp 249-263 143] Bonfatti, F.. etci., "Microwave Circuit Analysis by Spcjrse-Matrix Techniques," IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. МТГ-22,1974, pp 264-269. [44J Bandler, J.W„ and R T. Seviora, "Wave Sensitivities of Net works," IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech , Vol МТГ 20,1972, pp. 138-147 [45J Rao, S.S., Optimization - Theory and AppticaUons, New

Delhi, Wiley Eastern Limited, 1978. [ 461 Bandler. J.W., "Optimization Methods for Computer-Aided Design,"IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. МТГ 17.1969, pp 633-552 147] Bandler, J.W , "Computer Optimization of Inhomogeneous Wavegnide Transformers," IEEE Trans. Microwave Пеогу Tech., Vol МТГ 17 1969, pp 563-571. 148] Fletcher, R., and M.J.D. Powell, "A Repidly Convergent

Descent Method of Minimization," Comput. J., Vol 6 (49 ] Fletcher, R., "A New Approach to Variable Metric Algo

rithms," Comput. J Vol. 13, Aug. 1970, pp 317-322 [50] Sanchez-Sinencio, E., and T.N. Trick, "CADMIC - Compu Br-Aided Design of Mcrowave Integrated Circuits," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech Vol МТГ-22,1974 pp 309-316.


[ 1J Desoer, C.A., and E S Kuh, Basic arcmt Theory, New York McGraw-Hill. 1969

[21 Collin, R.E , Foundations of Microwave Engineering, New

York: McGraw-Hffl, 1966, Chapter 4 on "Circuit Theory

forWaveguiding Systems," pp. 170-182. [31 Perlman, B.S., and V.G Gelnovatch, "Computer Aided

Design, Simulation and Optimization," in Advances tn Mi

crowaves. Vol. 8. pp. 332-341, Academic Press, 1974 [41 Gupts, КС, McrouiaMs, New Delhi Wiley Eastern, 1979,

Chapter 5 on "Microwave Network Representstion " [51 Hewlett Packard, S-parameters, Circuit Analysis and De

sign," Application Note No 95, September 1968. [6] Kuh, E S and R.A. Bohrer, Theory of Linear Actwe Net

works San Francisco, Calif; Holdern-Day. 1967, p 271 171 Carlin, RJ., and AB. Giordano, Network Theory, Engle

wood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1964 chapter 4 on "The

Scattering Matrix."

[8] Kuh, E.S., and R.A Rohrer, Theory of Linear Active Net-tro Technology (New York) Vol 80, No. 1 July 1967 pp 65 72


[ 1 ] Coaxial lines and waveguides have been discussed in several

texts For example see: S. Ramo et al., Fields and Waves in

Communication Electronics New York: John Wiley, 1965 [2] Bahl, I.J., and Ramesh Garg, "Designers Guide to Stripline

Circuits," MicroMm Vol. 17, Jan. 1978, pp 90-96. 131 Howe, H., Jr., Stripline (rcuit Design Dedham, Mass

Artech House, 1974 [4] Cohn, S.B., "Characteristic Impedance of Shielded Strip

Transmission Line,"/K£ lYans. Microwave Theory Tech ,

Vol MTT 2, July 1964, pp. 52-65 [ 51 Cohn, S.B., "Problems in Strip Transmission Lines, IRE

Trans. Microwave Theory Tech Vol МТГ 3, March W55,

pp. 119-126

[6] Wheeler, H.A., "Transmission Line Properties of a StnpLne Between Parallel Planes," IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT 26, Nov. 1978, pp 866-876

17] Gunston, MAR, Microwave Transmission Line Impsdance

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