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Data, London: Van Nostrand Remhold, 1972, pp 38 39 [8] Vendehn, G D., "LimiUtions on Stripline Q," Microwave

J, Vol 13, May 1970, pp. 63-69. [ 9 ] Gupta, К C, e( a/., Micrmtrip Lines and Slotlines, Dedham,

Mass Artech House, 1979

(10] Schneider, M.V., "Microstrip Lines for Microwave Integrated Circuits," BeH Sysfem ZVch J., Vol 48 1969, pp. 1421-1444

[11] Yamashita, E., and К Atsuki, "Analysis of Microstrip-like Transmission Lines by Non-Uniform Discretization of In tegral Equation," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech , Vol MTT 24, 1976, pp. 195-200

[12] Buntschuh, C, "A Study of the Transmission Line Proper ties of Trapped Inverted Microstnp Line," RADC-TR-74-311.ADtio A 003633, Dec 1974

113] McLevige, W. V., et al., "New Waveguide Structures for Mil hmeter Wave and Optical Integrated Cuxiuits," IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT 23, 1976, pp 788-794

[14] Davis, R.T., "Millimeter-waves: Controversy Brews Over Transmission Media " Microwaves Vol 16 March 1976, pp. 32-42

[ 15 ] Matcuvitz, N , Wavepude Handbook, New York McGraw

Hill, 1951, pp 399-402 116] Knox, R.M., and P.P. Toulios, "Integrated Circuits for the

MiUimeter through Optical Frequency Range," in Proc.

Symposium on Submillimeter Waves Polytechnic Inst of

Brooklyn (N.Y.), March 1970.

[ 17] Wheeler, H.A. "Formulas for the Skin Effect Proc IRE Vol. 30, Sept 1942, pp. 412-424

(18 ] Bahl, I.J., and D.K Trivedi, "A Designers Guide to Micro strip," AficrouioMs Vol, 16, May 1977, pp 174-182

119] Wheeler, H.A., Transmission Line ProperUes of Parallel Strips Separated by a Dielectric Sheet," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech Vol MTT 13,1966, pp 172-186.

] 20] Wheeler, H. A., "Transmission-line Properties of a Strip on a Dielectric Sheet on a Plane," Е££ Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol MTT-25, Aug. 1977, pp. 631-647

(21 ] Hammerstad, E О, "Equations for Microstrip Circuit De

sign," in Proc European Microwave Conf 1976 pp 268-272

[ 22 ] Bhl, I.J., and Ramesh Garg, "Simple and Accurate Formulas for Microstrip with Finite Strip Thickness " Proc IEEE Vol.66 Nov. 1977, pp 1611-1612

123] Oetsrager, W J., "Microstnp Dispersion Model," IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech Vol MTT-21 1973, pp. 34 39

1241 Edwards T.C., and R P Owens, "2-18 GHz Dispersion Measurements on 10-100 Ohm Microstrip Line on Sap phire," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech , Vol MTT 24, Aug. 1976, pp. 606 613

] 26 ] Blanco, В, e( al., "Frequency Dependence of Microstrip Parameters Alta Frequema, Vol 43.1974. pp. 413-416

[ 26 ] Kuester, E.F., and D C. Chang "An Appraisal of Methods for Computation of the Dispersion Characteristics ot Open Microstrip," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 27, 1979, pp 691-694

[ 27 ] Kuester, E F., and D С Chang, "Theory of Dispersion in Miciostrip of Arbitrary Width," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Teh Vol MTT 28, March 1980 pp. 269-266

(28 ] Pucel, R A., cl al, "Losses in Microstrip," IEEE Trans. Mi crowave Theory Tech, Vol. MTT-16, 1968, pp. 342-350 Also see correction in IEEE Trans., MTT-16,1%8, p 1064

129] Cohn,S.B Slotline on a Dielectric Substrate Trans.

Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. МТГ-17, 1969, pp. 768-778.

[30] Garg, R., and K.C. Gupta, "Expression for Wavelength and Impedance of Slotline," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol MTT-24,1976, p. S32.

[31] Garg, R., and K.C Gupta "Slotline and its Applications in MICs " ACES (I.I.T. Kanpur) Tech. Report, TR-34-75 1975

132 ] Wen, C.P., "Coplanar Waveguide: A Surface Strip Transmission Line Suitable for Non-Reciprocal Gyromagnetic Device Application," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech Vol. MTT-17, Dec 1969, pp. 1087-1090

[ 33 ] Davis, M.E., et al, "Finite-Boundary Correction to the Co planar Wavegnide Analysis," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-21, Sept 1973, pp. 594-696.

134 ] Hatsuda, Т., "Computation of Coplanar Type Strip Line Characteristics by Relaxation Method and its Applications to Microwave Circuits," IEEE Thins Microwave Theory Tech "Vol MTT 23, Oct 1975, pp 795-802

135] Yamashite, E., and S Yamazaki, "Parallel-stnp Line Em bedded in or Printed on a Dielectric Sheet," IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech. Vol. MTT-16, Nov 1968, pp 972 -973

[ 36 ] Kitazawa, T.,etal., "A Coplanar Waveguide with Thick

Metal-coating," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech

Vol MTT-24, Sept 1976 pp, 604-608 137 ] Cohn, S.B., "Shielded Coupled-Strip Transmission Line,"

IRE Trans Microwave Theory Tech Vol MTT-3 October

1955, pp 29-38. [ 38 ] Garg, R., and LJ. Bahl "Characteristics of Coupled Micro

striplines," IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech.. Vol.

MTT-27, July 1979, pp 700-705. Also see correction in IEEE

Trans MTT 28 1980, p 272.

[39] Garg, R., Design Equations for Coupled Microstnp Lines," Int. J. Electron., Vol. 47 1979, pp 587 591.

[40] Jansen, R.H., "High-speed Computation of Sine and Coupled Microstrip Parameters including Dispersion, High Order Modes, Loss and Finite Strip Thickness," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT 26, Feb. 1978, pp 76-82.

[41 ] Getsinger, W.J., "Dispersion of.Parallel-coupled Microstrip " IEEE Tram. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT 21, 1973 pp 144 146

[42] Carlm, H.J., and PP. Civallen A Coupled-line Model for Dispersion in Parallel-coupled Microstrip," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-23,1976, pp. 444-446

[43] Akhtarzad, S etal "The Design of Coupled Microstnp

Lines," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT

23, June 1976 pp. 488-492 [44] Hinton, J.H "On Design of Coupled Microstnp Lines "

IEEE Trans Micmwave Theory Tech Vol. MTT-28, March

1980, p. 272


[ 1 ] Bandler. J.W., et al., "Integrated Approach to Microwave Design," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech.. Vol. MTT-24, Sept. 1976, pp. 584-691

[2] Garg, R., "The Effect of Tolerances on Microstnp Line

and Slotline Performances," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech Vol. MTT-26, Jan. 1978, pp. 16-19

[3] Garg, R., "A Designers Guide to Tolerance Analysis," Microwaves, Vol. 17, No. 3, March 1978, pp. 54-60

[4] Gupta, K.C., et a/., Mcrostrip Lines end S/ot/mcs Dedham, Mass: Artech House, 1979

[ 1 ] Gupta, КС, et al. Microstnp Lines andSlotlines, Dedham Mass Artech House 1979 Chapters 3 and 4 on "Microstrip discontinuities."

[2] Marcuvitz N. (Ei ), Waveguide Handbook New York Mc GrawHiU 1951

[3] Green, H.E.,"The Numerical Solution of Transmission Line

Problems," in Advances in Microwaves Vol. 2, New York:

Academic Press 1%7 pp. 327-393, [ 4 ] Whinnery, J.R., e( al, "Coaxial-line Discontinuities Proc

I RE., Vol. 32, Nov. 1944 pp. 696-709 [6] Whinnery, J.R., and H.W Jamieson, "Equivalent Circuits

for Discontinuities in Transmission Lines," Proc IRE,

Vol. 32, Feb. 1944, pp. 98-116 [ 6 ] Montgomery, С G., et al. Principles of Microwave Circuits

New York. McGraw-Hill, 1948, Sec 9 6, p. 295 [ 7 ] Somlo, PI., "The Computation of Coaxial-line Step Capa

citance," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT

15, Jan. 1967 pp. 48-63. 18 ] Gogioso, L., ef o/.. " A Variational Approach to Compute

the Equivalent Capacitance of Coaxial Line Discontinuities,"

in Proc. Int. Microwave Symposium 1979, pp 580-583

[9] Lewin, L., Theory of Waveguides, London- Newnes-Buttet worths, 1975

[10] Chang, К., and P.J Khan, "Equivalent Circuit of a Narrow Axial Strip in Wavegnide," IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech., Vol MTT-24, Sept. 1976, pp. 611-616

[ 11 ] Chang, K., and P.J. Khan, "Analysis of a Narrow Capacitive Stnp in Waveguide," IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-22, May 1974, pp. 636-541

[ 12] Bianco, В., et at., "Open-circuited Coaxial Lines as Stand

ards for Microwave Measurements," Electron. Lett., Vol. 16 March 8 1980, pp 373-874

[1] Oliner A A., "Equivalent Circuits for Discontinuities Ш

Balanced Strip Transmission Line," IRE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech, Vol. МП-З, March 1966 pp. 134-143.

[2] Altschuler, H.M., and A A Oliner, Discontinuities in the Canter Conductor of Symmetric Strip Transmission Line IRE Tram. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. MTT-6 May 1960, pp 328-339

[3] Bahl, U., and R. Garg, A Designer sGuide to Stripline

Circuits " Microwaves, Vol 17, No 1, Jan. 1978, pp. 90-96

[4] Gupta, К C, e( a/. Microstnp Lines and Slotlines Dedham Mass: Artech House 1979

[5] Garg, R., and LJ. Bahl, "Microstnp Discontinuities Int J Electronics, Vol. 46, No. 1 1978, pp. 81-87.

[6] Banedek, P., and P. Silvester, "Equivalent Capacitance for

Microstrip Gaps and Steps,"Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol MTT-20 Nov. 1972, pp 729-733.

[ 7) Silvester, P., and P. Benedek, "Equivalent Capacitances of Microstrip Open Circuits " ibid Vol MTT 20 Aug 1972 pp 611-616

[ 81 Silvester, P., and P. Banedek, "Microstrip Discontinuity Ca pacitances for Right Angled Bands, T-junctions and Cross ings," ibid. Vol. MTT-21 May 1973, pp. 341-346. (Also correction: Vol. MTT-23, May 1976, p 466).

[9] Farrar, A, and A.T. Adams, "Matrix Methods for Microstrip Thiee-Dimensional Problems," ibid. Vol MTT-20, Aug 1972 pp 497 604

[ 10] Farrar, A., and A.T. Adams, "Computation of Lumped Micro strip Capacities by Matrix Methods - Rectangular Sections and End Effect " ibid. Vol. MTT-19 May 1971 pp 496 497

[11] Maeda, M., Analysis of Gap in Microstnp Transmission

Lines " ibid, Vol. MTT-20, June 1972, pp. 390-396. [12] Horton, R., "The Electrical Characterization of a Right

Angled Bend m Microstrip Line," ibid.. Vol. MTT-21, June

1973 pp 427-429 [13] Itoh. Т., с/a/., A Method for Computing Edge Capacitance

of Finite and Semi.Finite Microstrip Lines," ibid.. Vol. MTT

20,1972 pp 847-849 [ 14] Thomson, A.F., and A. Gupinath, "Calculation of Microstrip

Discontinuity Inductances," ibid.. Vol. MTT-23, Aug 1976,

pp. 648-665

[ 15 ] Gopinath, k.,etul., "Equivalent Circuit Parameters of Mi crostrip Change in Width and Cross-Junctions," ibid.. Vol. MTT-24, March 1976 pp. 142144

[16] Napoli, L.S. and J.J Hughes Foreshortening of Microstrip Open Circuits on Alumina Substrates," ibid,. Vol MTT 19 June 1971. pp. 569 561.

[ 17 ] Easter, В., "The Equivalent Circuit of Some Microstrip Discontinuities," ibid. Vol. MTT.23, Aug 1975, pp. 666-660

[18] Stephens, LM.,andB. Easter, "Resonant Techniques for

Establishing the Equivalent Circuits for Small Discontinuities ш Microstrip," Electronics Lett., Vol. 7, Sept 23, 1971, pp. 682684

[ 19] Groll, H., and W. Weidmann, Measurement of Equivalent Circuit Elements of Microstrip Discontinuities by a Resonant Method " NTZ, Vol. 28, No. 2,197S, p. 74

[ 20] Wolff, 1., and W Menzel, "A Universal Method to Calculate the Dynamical Properties of Microstrip Discontinuities," in Proc. 5th Europ Micro Conf, (Hamburg) 1976, pp 263-267

[ 21 ] Mehran, R., "The Frequency-Dependent Scattenng Matrix of Microstrip Right-Angle Bends, T-Junctions and Crossmgs, AEU, Vol. 29 1976, pp 464-460

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