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fail (1, 11)

5. All the attempts to explain the processes of emission and absorption through the electromagnetic theory of light have failed.

6. The classical laws of both mechanics and electricity fail to predict the behaviour of atoms.

7. Helicopters were used to transport men and supplies to the forward ine when ground transport failed.

8. The tsarist government failed to appreciate * the work of Tsiolkovsky.

9. Some scientists failed to realize the role of mathematics in science.

10. The author did not fail to make reference to all the previous works concerning the subject of his article.

suggest (1, 12)

11. The step-rocket for space travel was suggested by Tsiolkovsky.

12. The scientist suggested a new method of measuring cosmic ray intensities.

13. Rutherford suggested that the positive charge of electricity was concentrated in the nucleus of the atom.

14. Ampere suggested that the origin of all magnetism lay in small circulating currents associated with each atom.

15. The book xAnalytical Mechanics for Engineers," as its name suggests, presents those principles of mechanics that are essential for the study of engineering.

assume (1, 17)

16. It is ordinary assumed that uncharged objects contain equal amounts of positive and negative electricity.

17. The air in the "standard" atmosfJhere is assumed to be perfectly dry.

18. A liquid is цпаЬ1е to maintain a particular shape and it immediately assumes the shape of the container.

19. Rockets may assume a great variety of forms and sizes.

18. Переведите предложения, выбирая нужный перевод для выделенных словосочетаний.

in terms of: 1. в единицах, в величинах

2. иа основании, с точки зрения

1. Acceleration may be expressed in terms of distance, time and velocity.

2. The force of gravity is measured in terms of weight.

3. Jet engines are usually expressed In terms of the thrust they produce.

« appreciate-оценивать * express - выражать

4. In order to express the magnitude of a force, some standard force must be selected as a unit in terms of which other forces must be expressed.

5. The basic concepts of thermodynamics are most easily understood in terms of simple experiments.

give rise (to smth.) - вызывать, создавать, являться причиной

6. Most of the primary cosmic rays entering our atmosphere cause nuclear collisions and give rise to secondary particles.

7. The fission of uranium atoms gives rise to a wide range of new isotopes.

8. The use of rockets for solar research has given rise to the development of new types of solar instruments.

19. Переведите предложения, содержащие глагол to exceed (1,10) и его производные. Проследите, как переводятся производные от атого глагола.

1. А number of vehicles have been launched whose velocities are in excess of the escape velocity of 11 km/sec.

2. In long-range ballistic missiles the temperatures of aerodynamic heating may be in excess of several thousand degrees.

3. The flight velocities required for astronautics far exceed those obtainable with a single rocket engine.

4. The noise in the Vostoks cabin did not exceed the noise in th cockpit of a conventional jet plane.

5. The excess reactivity of the reactors can be used for the production of a large number of different kinds of radioactive isotopes.

6. The excessive heat during the operation of the device was 0Щ of the problems to be solved.

7. Uranium-235 has similar chemical properties with Ura-nium-238, but is in other ways exceedingly unlike.

20. Переведите предложения, содержащие словосочетание at least (1,15).

1. Each of these planets has at least one satellite.

2. Engineering now requires a mathematical base- at least an order of magnitude higher than that of a generation ago.

3. At least one radioactive isotope is known to exist for all known elements.

21. Переведите предложения, содержащие прилагательные adequate (1,16) и Inadequate.

1. Adequate fuel control is one of the principal factors of gas turbines.

2. Some chemicals are not adequate as coolant for the hot thrust chamber walls.

3. The number of ionospheric research stations is still inadequate.

4. Classical mechanics is inadequate for a proper description of events occurring within the atom.

22. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание иа то, что выделенные при. лагательные имеют близкие значения.

1. The plane was provided with a conventional piston engine.

2. The measurement of the pressure distribution over the surface of a model is a common type of experiment in wind-tunnel work.

3. Ordinary liquids are bad conductors compared to metals.

23. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод наречий hardly, nearly (1,20), readily (1,30), necessarily (О).

Помните, что значения этих наречий нельзя вывести иа основе значений соответствующих прилагательных. Сравните значения прилагательных и наречий.

1. Nearly all the models which were tested proved successful.

2. Liquids are perfectly elastic, but they are so nearly incompressible that this property is not of much practical use.

3. The voltage will hardly remain the same during the experiment.

4. In 1918 aeroballistics as a science hardly existed.

5. Cold neutrons are useful as they penetrate most solid materials readily.

6. Radiation in the infrared region can be readily detected by heat it produces.

7. For the application of the computer to the solution of engineering problems a working knowledge of differential equations is necessarily assumed.

8. Plasmas need not necessarily be associated with high temperatures.

24. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание иа перевод существительного evidence (1,35).

1. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries chemists slowly had been accumulating evidence that all matter was composed of atoms.

2. The photographic evidence clearly indicates that approximately 90 per cent of all visually observable meteors are of cometary origin.

3. The 1956 close approach of Mars brought very little new evidence concerning the origin of geometrical patterns on its surface.

25. Переведите предложения, содержащие слова kind и sort, близкие по своему значению.

Заметьте, что эти слова иногда опускаются при переводе.

1. Electromagnets are widely used in practice in many kinds of power equipment.

2. The Earth itself is a sort of magnet.

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