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2. The subject of electricity divides principally into electrostatics, dealing with electric charges at rest, and current electricity, treating of the flow of charge along wires.

3. The principle described above forms the basis of the hydraulic press in which pressure created within a liquid by a comparatively small force acting on a small piston * exerts a much stronger force on another piston of considerably larger diameter.

4. Because all bodies have a constant downward acceleration )roduced by the pull of gravity, the equations of uniformly acce-erated motion can be applied to any falling bodies.

5. The figure illustrates typical spectra of this type obtained using the equipment carried in the satellite Ariel.

6. Such water is about 11 % denser than that formed from ordinary hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms and so is called "heavy water."

7. One can carry out studies of solids withneutrons analogous to those done with X-rays.

8. In the reactions discussed the energies required for the various studies of nuclei are in the I to 20 JVlev range.

9. Rutherfords discovery of nuclear atom, further developed by Bohr, furnished a detailed explanation of the spectrum of the hydrogen atom.

10. The term cyclotrons covers cyclotrones of an entirely different type from those already described.

11. A force may be defined as the action of one body on another body which changes or tends to change the motion of the body acted on.

12. A detailed discussion of the exact nature of all the fundamental particles dealt with in physics is unnecessary in this book.

13. In this chapter we shall give some examples of calculations of various types frequently met with in radar.

14. Electrons play an important part in the operation of thermionic valves, including the magnetron and the klystron.

15. This property of the eye, known as "persistence of vision", is utilized in the cinema and in television.

16. The picture we see on the screen really consists of a single spot of light travelling at great speed.

17,-Two reflected rays are needed to locate any image formed by a mirror.

18. Some of the video waveforms met with in radar are very different from sine waves, but it is still possible to deal with these waveforms in certain cases on the sine wave basis, by the use of Fouriers theory.

19. We shall not describe the laws of motion in detail here but they enable us to calculate the subsequent movements of objects acted upon by any set of forces.

• piston - поршень

2. Переведите группы слов (А.) и предложения (В.), содержащие сложные формы причастий. Олределнте их функцию в предложении. Укажите возможные способы перевода.


1. The method being applied for...

Метод, применяемый для... (Метод, который применяется для...).

2. Being applied in chemistry this method....

Будучи применен в химии, этот метод.., (Когда этот метод применяют в химии... или При применении этого метода в химии...).

3. Having applied this method we...

Применив этот метод, мы... (После того как мы применили этот метод... ч1ли После применения этого метода мы...).

A. 1. The velocity of the particle being accelerated In the cyclotron corresponds....

2. The type of reaction being investigated will be discussed...

3. The wave theory being considered was proposed...

4. Systems being developed for use with radioisotopes give...

5. Being associated with the movement of the Earth the satellite orbit changes...

6. Being installed in the satellite the instruments recorded..,

7. Having accepted this concept we...

8. Having bombarded uranium with neutrons the scientists obtained....

9. Having gained the positive charge the body fails to attract...

10. Having been put into an orbit the satellite moved...

B. 1. Vectors are essentially geometrical quantities, being defined by a magnitude and a direction.

2. If the type of particle being detected can be Identified then its energy can be calculated.

3. Being bombarded with slow neutrons, uranium splits ap- proximately into halves producing radioisotopes.

4. A little more complicated example is shown on the picture, which shows a box being pulled by a man.

5. Having studied the electronic structure of electricity, we shall now discuss the quantum structure of light on the basis of the photoelectric effect.

6. The light from • the object being photographed causes a permanent change in the chemical emu sion.

7. Being heated magnetized steel loses its magnetism.

8. Having defined the units for length, mass, and time, we can express 2 through them the units for all other physical quantities.

identify - определять * express - выражать

9. The colour of the light being seen is determined by the frequency of the light waves which aff.ect ♦ the human eye.

10. All methods being considered at present use electromagnetic fields to hold the particles.

11. Having studied nuclear reactions we now turn to the question of how these radiations interact as they go through matter.

12. This book is concerned with the design of a specific kind of analog computer in which electrical voltages represent the variables of the physical system being studied.

13. Having listed at the conclusion of the chapter a number of major programmes we now discuss what progress has been made in he systematic study of neutral atmospheric structure.

3. Переведите предложения, содержащие обстоятельственные причастные обороты с союзами. Примените все возможные варианты перевода и выберите из них лучший.

Если вы будете переводить оборот придаточным предложением, не забудьте ввести подлежащее (§ 22, п. I, 2).

1. И is well known that a sol;d body emits light when heated to a high enough temperature.

2. An Earth satellite, if launched into an orbit sufficiently distant from the Earths surface, can circulate for months or even years.

3. Isaac Newton, while studying the gravitational effects of the Earth on objects near its surface, noticed that objects thrown horizontally followed curved paths as they fell to the ground.

4. The forces holding the individual atoms together as a unit are much greater than those which are acting when combining with other atoms.

5. Superconductivity is the name given to a phenomena, shown by some conductors of electricity, which lose all electrical resistance when cooled below a certain temperature.

6. These effects are much less marked if observed with Geiger instead of neutron counter.

7. According to Newtons first law of motion an object remains at rest or in a straight-line motion unless acted upon by some external force.

8. When releasing the nuclear energy in a gram of helium it is possible to produce 190,000 kilowatt-hours of electric energy.

9. When comparing elements one notices the outstanding stability of some electronic structures.

10. Thermionic emission is the name given to that branch of physics which deals with the emission of electrons or ions from metals or non-metals, when heated.

11. Einstein, when proposing the theory of light quanta in 1905, did not state that it represents an absolute truth.

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