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The propeller blades travel... Лопасти винта вращаются... The radiowaves travel... Радиоволны распространяют-


В. Fission products should be С продуктами распада следует handled with care... обращаться осторожно...

Telemetry data should be Телеметрические данные дол-properly handled... жны быть соответствующим

образом обработаны...

1. In this particular type of rocket, the separate boost motors lie alongside * the rocket body between the wings.

2. The distinction between an elementary system and one which is complex lies primarily in the difficulty of the task to be performed.

3. New methods were developed as a result of this experimental work.

4. Very high speeds were developed when the jet engines appeared.

5. New power plants without propellers were developed in order to drive airplanes at sonic and supersonic speeds.

6. In this chapter equations are developed for microscopic quantities.

7. Transistor oscillations can be used for the same purposes as vacuum tubes, if only frequency and temperature limitations are met.

8. Several general requirements should be met to match transistor stages in an amplifier.

17. Переведите предложения, которые содержат иаречяя, относящиеся к глаголу (§ 118).

Помните, что такие наречня отвечают на вопрос «как?», «каким образом?». Если наречие предшествует глаголу, то рекомендуется временно опустить наречие, перевести глагол, а затем наречие (§ 118).

1. It has been repeatedly pointed out that wave motion is associated with vibration of particles.

2. Solid-propellant rockets have been gradually increasing their specific impulse.

3. The navigation system will continuously determine position of the satellite around the Earth.

4. When gases are highly compressed they are characterized by extreme lightness.

5. A gas is composed of individual particles which are constantly colliding with each other.

6. Engineering mechanics is essentially a study of the effects of forces acting on bodies.

• alongside - вдоль

* match - подогнать

18. Переведите предложений, которые содержат наречий, относящиесй К прилагательному.

Помните, что такие наречия отвечают на вопрос «насколько?», «в какой степени? (хороший или плохой)». Рекомендуется сначала перевести прилагательное, а затем наречие (§ 119).

extremely difficult problem

какая? проблема

насколько? трудная

чрезвычайно чрезвычайно трудная проблема

1. Because there is no working fluid or energy source carried on the Vehicle, the photori rocket is highly economical in weight.

2. To utilize so ar radiation very large surface areas are needed and they will be prohibitively heavy.

3. Space travel is going to play an increasingly important part in our lives.

4. The general activity of navigation in space without external assistance is still largely theoretical.

5. At extremely high altitudes the different gases composing the atmosphere separate according to their densities.

6. The air in the "standard" atmosphere was assumed to be perfectly dry.

19. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание иа особенности перевода выделенных причастий (при переводе они требуют добавления некоторых поясняющих слов).

1. Operation of an ion rocket involves three principal processes: generation of ions, their accelerating by electrostatic field, and electrical neutralisation of the resulting ion beam.

2. A much less important though related problem is the study of interplanetary dust.

3. The shape of the curve is similar to the curves of many associated phenomena.

4. This figure illustrates diagrammatically the nature of the ground-based observations of the solar and related terrestrial disturbance phenomena.

20. Переведите предложения, содержащие слово like (2,1) н его производные. После перевода повторите еще раз зиачеиия выделенных слов.

1. Like charges repel and unlike charges attract each other.

2. Copper like all other metals is a good conductor.

3. Oxygen, unlike nitrogen, is highly reactive.

4. Spaceships present an entirely new concept of design and operation, unlike that in the common vehicle.

5. In structure the proton and the neutron are much alike.

6. We can readily liken tlie processes taking place in the atom to a miniature solar system.

7. The atmosphere can be likened to a large heat engine, with the Sun providing the power and the air acting as a working fluid.

8. Ion rocket is likely to be used for space travel in future.

9. Atomic power aircraft are likely to be large.

10. Mars is unlikely to have an atmosphere suitable for an earthman to breathe *.

21. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание иа перевод словосочетаний by now (2,4) и by then.

1. By now a considerable data has been collected on the visible light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.

2. By now some interesting results have been obtained from observations of the solar spectrum made at high altitudes.

3. Guided missiles appeared during World War II. By then a pulsejet pilotless monoplane and a rocket-powered gyro-controlled missile came into use.

4. Although Mendeleyev was not thinking in terms of electrons, for the electrons had not yet been discovered by then, his arrangement of the elements was according to the number of electrons, that is, one for hydrogen to 92 for uranium.

22. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод словосочетаний «глагол to be -- существительное с предлогом» (2,5).

1. High-speed electronic computers are in increasing use now.

2. We must remember that solid-fuel rockets have been in use for many centuries.

3. Practical utilization of radioisotopes in large amounts is now under study at the Research Centre.

4. Nuclear reactor aircraft will be In operation in the nearest future.

5. A chapter is included on the common system of air navigation, which is now in operation.

6. One pound of nuclear fuel whose volume is In excess of one cubic inch releases energy equivalent to 1,000 tons of fuel oil. " 7. The jet airplanes that are already in service have no endless vibration of propellers.

8. New methods of magnetizing hard steel are under development now.

9. Radio techniques* to determine ionization and atmospheric drag on meteors of masses less than lO- gram are under way in several countries.

* breathe -дышать

* guided missiles -управляемые снаряды volume -объем

* techniques - методы

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