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20. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод слова due (3,2в). Укажите, от чего зависит выбор его значения.

1. А due explanation of the phenomenon of radioactivity was first given by the Curie.

2. Due consideration must be given to missile performance requirements.

3. The forces due to air acting on a body depend on the size of the body, the air density, and the square of the relative velocity.

4. In liquids viscosity is due to the internal friction of molecules.

5. The energy which a body possesses due to its motion is called kinetic energy.

6. The neutron, because of its lack of charge, can proceed info the nucleus; but the proton due to its positive charge is repelled.

7. As the ionisation is mainly due to the action of the sunlight, it is evident that the layers are ionised more during day time than at night.

21. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на многозначность выделенных существительных.

project (3, 27)

1. The time has come to fulfil projects that seemed fantastic before - manned space flights to the Moon, to Mars, Venus and the other planets of the solar system.

2. Aircraft reactor projects are under development.

3. Over fifty nations were co-operating iri the I. G. Y (International Geophysical Year) project.

4. In each space project a large number of specialized fields of engineering and science are involved.

facility (3, 29)

5. The electrical conductivity of a semiconductor is determined both by the number of mobile charge carriers and the facility with which these carriers move under applied field.

6. A pilot flying under condition of unknown wind direction or force should use every radio aid and navigational facilities to determine accurately his position.

7. Gravity measurements with portable gravimeters are made between the various bases of the antarctic as transport facilities permit.

22. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод слова lack (3,28) в зависимости от того, какой частью речи оно является.

1. The moon lacks atmosphere and water.

2. The lack of autopilot on first guided missiles prevented their successful operation.

3. The guidance system of this missile lacks accuracy.

4. Considering their lack of optical instruments, the work of ancient astronomers was surprisingly accurate.

23, Переведите предложения, содержащие глагол to prevanf (3,31). Обратите внимание на управление глагола:

to prevent ... from occuring не позволить произойти

1. Measures have to be taken to prevent radioactive gases from spreading through the air.

2. We have already mentioned the problem of cooling engines, which Is necessary to prevent the various parts from becoming too hot.

3. In fact, a fast reactor is a form of atom bomb, prevented from exploding.

Словообразовательное упражнение

24. Переведите слова и группы слов. Обратите внимание на то, что префикс anti- соответствует приставкам «прогиво-», «анти-», а префикс counter - «противо-», «контр-».

anti-aircraft weapon, antisubmarine attack, antitank gun, antipersonnel weapon, counterattack, counteroffensive, counteraction

Упражнения на перевод терминов

25. Переведите термины. В случае затруднения дайте сначала описательный перевод, который поможет установить, какой термин в русском языке выражает это понятие в указанной области техники.

А. Термины, состоящие из трех компонентов: наречие-(-причастие (или прилагательное) + существительное

directly fed antenna (телевидение) I

какая? антенна I




антенна с непосредственным


Английский термин

Область применения

continuously adjustable capacitor electronically controlled filter remotely controlled plant jeriodically operated switch lorizontally polarized antenna aerodynamically supported missile continuously measuring control system highly directional antenna equally likely possibility internally cooled reactor

электротехника радиоэлектротехника




ракетная техника автоматика радио автоматика ядерная физика

Б. Термины, состоящие нз трех компонентов: существительное + прилагательное + существительное

acid-resistant material (химия)

какой? *- материал I

чему?-*- сопротивляющийся I


кислотоупорный материал

Английский термин

Область применения

corrosion-resistant metdl fire-resistant material explosion-resistant design voltage-sensitive device light-sensitive cell photo-sensitive cathode phase-sensitive device gamma-sensitive detector temperature-dependent resistor colour-selective characteristic

металлургия »

ядерная физика автоматика радиоэлектроника »

электротехника ядерная физика электротехника телевидение

Упражнения в чтении

26. Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на произношение звуков:

[в] through, thorough, throughout, thousand, worth, thermal, thrower

[91 other, though, although, within, without, nevertheless

27. Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на чтение буквосочетания еа:

i:] reach, reason, release, reveal, mean, deal, weak, breathe e] dead, instead, already, head, steady, dealt, wealth

Исключения: break great

breik] ломать greit] великий

28. Прочитайте следующие слова, соблюдая правила чтения буквосочетаний с! перед безударной гласной:

[/] special, especial, especially, specialize, efficient, efficiently, efficiency, inefficient, ancient, commercial

29. Прочитайте следующие слова нз основного текста:

incendiaries [insendjariz] armoured [a:m9d]

arrow [aerou] accuracy [aEl<jur3si]

?ncient [emsntj personnel [,p3:saj;iel]

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