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2. Since tile end of World War II tiiere has been a rapid development of jet engines.

3. Since the first rocket appeared many changes has taken place in this field of science.

4. Since the jet engine is a powerful source of energy, it is widely used for machines flying at supersonic speed.

5. A few elementary substances, such as gold, silver, copper, have been knowB since old times.

6. Sixty years have passed since the day when radio was discovered.

7. Since the lift and the drag are very much dependent on the angle of attack of the wing, it is necessary to give a definition of this angle.

8. For producing currents of many amperes, electric generators of various sizes have become available since Voltas time.

9. Since the fission fragments only move a minute distance from their point of origin, nearly all the heat is produced close lo the point where fission occurs.

9. Повторение. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод конструкций:

А. Инфинитив как часть сказуемого (§ 8)

1. The inside temperature of the Sun is estimated to be about 30,000,000° C.

2. The most abundant elements in the universe are thought to be the lighter ones such as hydrogen, helium, carbon and others.

3. In 1904, semiconductors were shown to be good detectors of radio waves.

4. Since the majority of readers are not likely to have a detailed knowledge of nuclear problems this paper will discuss the problems.

5. The object of this paper is to discuss the effects that meteo-roids may be expected to have on space vehicles.

6. Large planets may be expected to have much more extensive atmospheres than that of the earth.

Б. Обособленный причастный оборот с with (§ 23, п. 3)

7. Ordinarily, meteors glow at heights of 120 to 80 kilometres above sea level, with large particles penetrating to lower layers of the atmosphere.

8. With each thermal fission of U-235 releasing an average of 2.5 fresh neutrons, it should be possible to establish a chain reaction, leading to the rapid consumption of all the fissile material, with the evolution of great amounts of energy.

9. With the colour of the fluorescent light being entirely dependent on the nature of the powder coating, it is evident that

• glow - 3d. сгорать

* coating - покрытие

coloured light can be produced in a variety of shades by using a suitable powder or mixture of powders,

B. Глагол-сказуемое в страдательном залоге

1. The acceleration of a falling object is affected * by air resistance.

2. The discovery of the double nature of electrons was followed by a change in the quantum theory.

3. Solar corpuscular radiation, being electrically charged, is influenced by the Earths magnetic field.

4. The introduction of a new -theory is always followed by a period of extended testing.

5. The magnitude of this effect is also affected by the strength of any electric field that happens to be present,

6. The problems of circuits will be dealt with from the point of view of radar engineering rather than radio communication.

7. The subject of neutralization has been approached with great care.

8. These questions were answered in a series of investigations, both experimental and theoretical.

9. The quantum theory was given a new form called wave mechanics.

10. Visible bodies are not the only objects attracted to the Earth or other heavenly bodies: individual molecules of gases are similarly affected.

11. On September 28, 1961, a solar flare occured which was followed about 46 hours later by a magnetic storm and a decrease in galactic cosmic-ray intensity as observed by a neutron mopitor on the ground.

12. As already stated, the scanning process described above can deal with only one small picture element at a time, and in order to create the illusion of a real, continuous and whole image, another feature of the human eye. retention of vision is relied upon.

13. Because the techniques employed in the production of pulses are closely bound up with the current and voltage variations in circuits containing capacitors, this matter has been dealt with extensively in the earlier part of the chapter.

14. Infra-red radiation forms a parkof that series of radiation which is given the general name of "electromagnetic radiation".

» affect - воздействовать

» retention of vision - задерживающая способность глаза

Лексические упражнения

10. Переведите сочетания существительного с прилагательным.

Помните, что выбор перевода прилагательного зависит от лексического значения существительного, к которому оно относится. В случае затруднения рекомендуется временно обойти прилагательное, перевести сначала существительное, а затем - прилагательное (§ П2).

solid particles careful man

solid argument careful observation

solid book careful work

strong man fine weather

strong forces fine wire

strong paper fine edge

strong magnetic field fine sand

11. Переведите группы слов, состоящие из существительного н его правого определения.

Помните, что выбор перевода существительного зависит от его правого определения (§ III).


the advance of science - прогресс науки the advance of troops - продвижение войск

1. The development of science...

The development of new methods... The development of new devices...

2. The performance of a plane... The performance of a task...

3. The stroke of a piston,.. The stroke of a clock...

4. The treatment of a problem... The treatment of a metal... The treatment of deseases...

12. Переведите группы слов, в которых наречия much, far н well стоят перед другим наречием, предлогом или прилагательным в сравнительной степени.

Заметьте, что в таком положении эти наречия имеют усилительное значение и переводятся словами «гораздо», «намного».


The weight of the instrument is well under 10 gr. Прибор весит намного меньше 10 граммов.

1. The altitudes were well above 200 miles...

2. The speeds are well over 500 mph...

3. This device was invented well after the invention of the radio...

4. The cockpit must be well forward... 106

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