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б. Much longer flights were made...

6. Much more complicated problems must be solved..,

7. Uranium disintegrates much more rapidly...

8. These particles move much more quickly...

9. Far greater advantages were achieved...

10. Far more difficult tasks were faced...

11. Far heavier loads could be lifted...

12. This was far beyond the ability of a single scientist...

13. Energy far beyond the capacity of present propulsion devices was...

13. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод прилагательного inherent (4,15) и наречия inherently.

Заметьте, что иногда при переводе сочетания inherent Ч-существитель-ное следует изменить порядок слов или ввести пояснительные слова.


А high Inherent reliability...

Высокая надежность, присущая (ему, ей)...

1. The thermoelectric systems have no moving parts, hence a very liigh inherent reliability.

2. The planets have no Inherent luminosity; they shine * by reflecting the light of the sun.

3. The inherent simplicity, size and reliability of centrifugal pumps make them ideally suited • for compact space turbo-machinery applications.

4. These considerations show that the heaviest nuclei should be inherently stable.

5. As the Universe is so vast, it seems Inherently improbable that one small Earth can be the only home of life.

6. Of the many classes of future space missions under study, a few are Inherently well suited to the operational advantages of reactor power systems.

14. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на то, что глагол to tend (4,19) во многих случаях переводится словами «иметь тенденцию», «обычно».

1. The protons in the nucleus tend to repel one another.

2. The method of question and answer tends to focus attention on particular points.

3. As has already been seen, temperature tends to decrease with altitude when flying In the troposphere.

15. Переведите предложения, содержащие слова одного словообразовательного ряда.

specify V, specific а, specification п (4, 9)

1, At an early stage in a design project for a given reactor, it is necessary to specify the type of fuel to be used.

2. Specific thrust is the thrust obtained per unit mass of propellant per second,

3. Experimental developments may be expected to result in significantly different technical developments, each serving a specific purpose.

4. Receiver sensitivity measurements are made to determine whether or not the receiver is performing according to the required sensitivity specifications.

enter V, entry n, re-entry n, re-enter v (4, 21)

5. When a neutron enters a nucleus, the new or compound nucleus gains an energy called the binding energy of the neutron.

6. According to Einsteins mass-energy hypothesis, the weight of the material entering into reaction is not exactly equal to the weight of the products formed.

7. We shall assume that the escape from the circular orbits and the entry into it are achieved by simple impulsive thrusts.

8. The re-entry trajectory of «Vostok» was chosen so that deceleration load on entering the dense layers of the atmosphere was no greater than the loads permissible for men.

9. The air after being drawn through the tunnel flows around the outside of the tunnel to re-enter the inlet of the tunnel.

promise V, promise n, promising a (4, 35)

10. Nuclear propulsion systems of high thrust-to-weight ratio promise significant increases in performance over current chemical systems.

11. In the field of scientific investigations miniaturization offers great promise.

12. The solar energy as a source of energy for propulsion of space vehicles is a most promising source.

appreciate v, appreciation n, appreciable a, appreciably adv (4, 23)

13. The first person to fully appreciate the potentiality of the rocket was K. E. Tsiolkovsky.

14. It is difficult for us to appreciate just what Galileos discoveries meant in those dark days of Middle Ages.

15. In order to gain appreciation for the sort of accuracies •needed in space travel guidance problems, consider the following examples.

16. Alpha particles were found to penetrate deeply within an atom without undergoing any appreciable deflection.

17. Magnesium alloys are appreciably lighter than aluminum.

choose - выбирать » alloy -сплав

propel V, propulsion n, propellant n, propulsive a (4, 32)

18. There is no other power unit besides rockets that can propel a missile so rapidly at great heights.

19. The rocket motor is a form of reaction propulsion in which all propellants which form the propulsive jet are carried along* with the vehicle being propelled.

20. In 1903 K. E. Tsiolkovsky described a streamlined rocket-driven vehicle for space travel which used liquid oxygen and hydrogen as propellants.

16. Переведите предложения, содержащие многозначные глаголы. После перевода предложений повторите еще раз их значения-

leave (4, 22)

1. The space pilot can perform all the necessary operations connected with observation, communication with the Earth and flight control without leaving his seat.

2. Imagine a rocket leaving the surface of the Earth with such a velocity.

3. At the free surface of a liquid, there is a continual interchange of molecules leaving the liquid and molecules entering the liquid.

4. The electrons are sufficient in number to neutralize the charge on the nucleus, leaving the atom uncharged as a whole.

5. Exhaust velocity is the velocity with which a combustion gas leaves the throat of a rocket motor.

suffer (4,27)

6. The propeller suffers the loss of efficiency as speeds rise above about 450 mph.

7. The planet Jupiter has several satellites whose orbits are so nearly in the plane of the planets orbit that they pass through the shadow of the planet and suffer eclipse * at every revolution.

8. These rockets are able to reach altitudes of more than 50 miles, but they suffer from the fact that their time of flight is limited.

lead (4,30)

9. Our Research Centre leads the entire work on measuring cosmic ray intensity.

10. The processes involved with the change in the structure of a nux;leus frequently lead to the direct conversion Of mass to energy or energy to mass.

11. Simple considerations lead us to expect that the heaviest nuclei should be inherently stable.

* carry along - нести eclipse - затмение

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