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17. Переведите предложения, содержащие прилагательное available (4,24) «имеющийся», «доступный», «полученный», сочетание to be available «иметься», «получаться» и существительное availability «наличие», «доступность».

Запомните, что слово available не переводится в некоторых случаях совсем (предложения 4 и 5).

1. The total work depends on the amount of available energy.

2. Observations available to the first satellites included the Earths magnetic field, cosmic radiation, solar radiation and ionization.

3. The energy available from fission of U-235 is about 10 times that of chemical reaction of an equal mass of any combustible mixture.

4. There are many other precise measuring instruments available that are not listed here.

5. There are several available books dealing with the current use of rockets for high-altitude research.

6. The greater the pressure drop, as the gas leaves the rocket, the more energy is available to move the rocket forward.

7. From some sources only a limited amount of energy is available.

8. With the availability of microwave sources having directly determined frequencies, the determination of the velocity of electromagnetic waves will become a standard laboratory experiment.

9. Rocket engines either burn fuel that contains the oxygen needed for its combustion or they carry their own supply of oxygen, so they do not depend on the availability of oxygen from the atmosphere.

10. The availability of nuclear energy is a scientific advance of recent years.

18. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание иа многозначность выделенных существительных, н укажите значения каждого из них.

Item (4,26)

1. Every item of equipment carried aboard the missile possesses weight and occupies space which has to be considered in designing the missile.

2. Several main Items which make up a complete power unit are illustrated in Fig. 51.

3. Another Item to analyse from a space station is meteoritic dust * distribution.

impact (4,36)

4. X-rays radiate from the place of Impact wherever that may

5. Brownian movement is the motion of very small particles under the impact of gas or liquid molecules.

* meteoritic dust - метеоритная пыль

6. Astronautics is found to iiave an important impact on education.

7. During tiie boost stage, wlien the powerful rocket motors were working and major Gagarin felt the full-impact of the high loads, vibration and noise, he continuously reported all the necessary information.

technique (4,37)

8. Although the ascent technique used by this vehicle is essentially the same as in other vehicles, there are significant differences in the method of utilizing the booster.

9. Meteorites found on the surface of the Earth have been analysed by chemical, physical, metallurgical and nuclear techniques.

10. The varied types of missiles and space projects demand the use of different techniques.

scale (4,40)

11. Two scales in common use to-day are the Fahrenheit and Centigrade.

12. Durirjg the I. G. Y. (International Geophysical Year) scientists from sixty nations studied the surface of the Earth, on a scale never before possible.

19. Переведите предложения, содержащие близкие по значению прилагательные.

current (4,29), present

1. After an introductory summary* of current ideas on atomic structure. X-rays and radioactivity are discussed from an experimental standpoint.

2. The atomic character of matter belongs to the most certain facts of our present knowledge.

20. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод слова so (4,34) и словосочетаний с ним.

1. The first man who left the ground and really ascended into the air did so by the lift of hot air enclosed in a paper bag.

2. In order to circle the Earth, and so remain in a permanent orbit, a rocket must attain a speed of 18,000 mph.

3. At the time of the First International Polar Year (1882- 1883) the existence of the ionosphere was not definitely established, so there were no ionospheric measurements in the program.

4. During the first stage of the take-off it is usual to keep the tail of the airplane up so as to reduce the drag.

5. A curved surface may be placed in a stream of air so that the air meets the surface tangentiaily but is gradually deflected so that the air leaves the surface in a direction different from its original position.

summary - краткое изложение

6. So far we have assumed that nuclei are spherically symmetrical.

7. The plane will continue its flight so long as the fuel lasts.

8. Avogadro advanced an idea that gaseous elements were organized into molecules, so that a molecule of hydrogen consisted of a union of two hydrogen atoms, a molecule of oxygen - of a union of two oxygen atoms, and so on.

9. Our Milky Way system has 100 billion or so stars.

21. Повторение. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание иа перевод слов outset, lack, failure, view, succession, evidence, domain, assumption.

1. We have to realize from the very outset that the rocket is not a new invention.

2. The neutrons because of their lack of charge, readily penetrate other nuclei.

3. A pound of excessive weight for a satellite may lead to a complete failure.

4. One television camera transmitted a full-face view of tjie cosmonaut and the othef a side-view of him.

5. One scene followed the other in rapid succession.

6. Having collected all the experimental evidence, the scientists concluded that the velocity of light was 2.99773±.00001X 10" centimetres per second.

7. We know that the entry into any new domain results in new discoveries which often cannot be predicted.

8. Plank found that he could derive a mathematical formula by making an assumption that a body cannot radiate energy continuously.

Упражнения на перевод терминов

22. Переведите термины, состоящие из существительного и определения, выраженного двумя существительными, соединенными предлогами.

А. Термины с предлогом to

surface-to-air missile

ракета класса «земля - воздух»

Английский термин

Область применения

air-to-ground television system underwater-to-air missile antenna-to-grid circuit signal-to-noise ratio air-to-air action surface-to-surface missile fuel-to-moderator ratio pulse-to-pulse correlation point-to-point communication pick-to-pick current

телевидение ракетная техника радио



ракетная техника ядерная физика телевидение радио


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