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Б. Термины с предлогом of

rate-of-climb indicator

индикатор скорости набора высоты

Английский термин

Область применения

velocity-of-propagation error rate-of-turn gyroscope line-of-sight distance figure-of-noise




B. Термины с предлогом by layer-by-layer winding

обмотка «слой за слоем» (обмотка равными слоями)

Английский термин

Область применения

step-by-step method step-by-step switch point-by-point computation

математика радиоэл ект ротка вычислительная тех-. ника

23. Переведите термины, вторым компонентом которых являются прилагательные free и tight.

Заметьте, что free в этом случае имеет значение «без» (свободный от), а tight - «непроницаемый» (плотный).


от чего?-*- свободный I

от аварий

безаварийный i

Английский термин

Область применения

error-free operation gravity-free flight drift-free amplifier friction-free movement air-free space noise-free operation watertight capsule airtight cabin vapour-tight chamber

автоматика космонавтика радиоэлектроника детали машин приборы

радиоэлектроника космонавтика авиация двигатели

* Упражнения в чтении

24. Прочитайте следующие существительные с суффиксами -tlon и -Ity и прилагательные с суффиксами -ic и -ive (-atlve), соблюдая правильное ударение:

limitation, application, dissociation, consumption, combust-ion, compression, mission, competition, propulsion, distribution

capacity, equality, intensity, simplicity, re/liability, capability, a, vailability, ,hypervelocity

periodic, ionic, kinetic, scientific, specific.

effective, protective, explosive, successive, extensive, compe-titive, relative, indicative

25. Прочитайте следующие группы существительного, содержащие определение, выраженное сложным прилагательным, соблюдая прн этом правильное ударение:

air-breatliing engine

rocket-propelled missile

high-speed passenger-carrying airplane

rotor tip-drive unit

rocket-powered vehicle

vehicle-transported propellant

26. Прочитайте следующие слова нз основного текста:

breathe [bri:6] appreciably [gpriijabli]

introduce [,intr9dju;s] significant [signifikgnt]

jettison [djetisn] revival [rivaival]

inherent [inhigrgnt] promising [pramisiQ]

overall [ouvara:!] impact [impaekt]


(Для перевода без словаря)

Imagine that the attempt is made to detect and measure an extremely small electric current by means of a sensitive moving-coil galvanometer. By taking various precautions the galvanometer in question may be made so sensitive that an appreciable movement of the coiM is seen when a current of the order of 10-" A flows in it. Such an instrument can detect such current, but it is found impossible to measure the current accurately because the zero* of the instrument continually varies. This variation may be shown to be inherent in the galvanometer itself and not to be due to any accidental movement of the supports. These variations of the zero are due to the thermal movements of the ions and electrons constituting the wire of the coil.

No advantage Is gained by mal(ing a more sensitive instrument. Greater sensitivity Increases tlie effects due to the thermal movements of the electrons in the same ratio as the effect due to the current to be measured. The theoretical limit to the measurement of current by this type of galvanometer has been reached. Since the movement of the coil due to the thermal movements of the electrons is an unwanted effect masking the effect of the signal to be measured, it is called "noise." The most fundamental form of noise, common to all forms of detecting and measuring apparatus is what is called "thermal noise," and an example of this has just been considered in the case of the sensitive galvanometer.

* noise - шум

* precautions - меры предосторожности » coil - катушка

* zero - нуль

accidental - случайный


(Для перевода со словарем)

The guided missile itself is only one part of the guided weapon system. In all cases the system will comprise the following three parts:

(I) Equipment for locating and tracking the target. This equipment may be a radar one in the case of surface-to-air guided weapons or may be visual in the case of a short-range antitank missile.

(II) Guidance equipment, the purpose of which is to detect where the missile is relative to the target and produce the necessary instructions for steering the missile towards the target.

(III) The missile itself, which is provided with the necessary steering equipment so that by making use of the guidance signals it can steer itself towards the target.

The distinctive part of any guided weapon system is the method of guidance that is used. The four methods together with their subdivisions are:

I. Beam Riding *,

Here the tracking equipment in use maintains a beam of radiation on the target, and a guidance equipment is carried in the missile which is capable of detecting the error between the missile and the centre of the beam. The missile uses this information to steer it towards the beam centre so that finally the missile is riding along the axis of the beam, which is itself remaining on the target. The missile follows a curved course, as shown in Fig. 1.

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