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2. The transformation occurs rapidly, as is characteristic for a radioactive decay with a large energy release.

3. These are errors which are characteristic of precise measuring system.

4. Such energy is typical of a cyclotrone.

5. The authors figures are not indicative of the role played by the receiving aerial as a link in the whole chain.

6. The equation 24 takes the following form, which is typical of many electrical integrating circuits.

14. Переведите предложения, содержащие слово matter (5,2) и словосочетания с ним.

1. Early experimentors worked without satisfactory theory to explain the structure of matter.

2. Cathode rays can penetrate matter very easily.

3. The subject matter of statics is to study bodies at rest.

4. The purpose of this chapter is to exemplify the subject matter of this book.

5. To repeat the experiment was a matter of several hours.

6. The penetrating nature of the X-rays was a matter of great interest for early workers in this field.

7. Building a transistor receiver is a relatively easy matter.

8. As a matter of fact, the variation in wavelengths is the principal distinction between the different types of electromagnetic radiations.

9. No matter how accurate the measuring device may be, repeated readings will not be the same.

10. Solids maintain their sizes and shapes no matter where they are placed.

11. No matter what improvements are made, it will not be possible for the vehicle to considerably exceed the speed of its own exhaust

15. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание иа различные варианты перевода выделенных глаголов.

yield (5,11)

1. It is evident that thermonuclear fusion reactions can yield propellant temperatures and performance far beyond that available at present by any other means.

2. To be efficient, a propellant should have a large heat of combustion to yield high temperatures.

3. Research on nuclear rockets may yield information useful to the construction of such a device.

4. The discovery of X-rays has yielded certain branches of medicine, radiology, radiotherapy and crystallography.

exhaust - истечение (газов из сопла) 5« 131

Identify (5,28)

5. Some special device was used to Identify the position of the emitted beam.

6. We saw earlier how the energy contained in an assembly* of molecules can be identified with the kinetic and potential energies of rotation, vibration and molecular interaction.

le. Переведите предложения, содержащие слово but (5,14) и словосочетания с ним. Обратите внимание иа многозначность атого слова.

1. At that time aerodynamics was a new but very important science.

2. Since heat is not a substance but a form of energy, we cannot measure it directly in pounds or litres, but must measure it by the effect it can produce.

3. We study every day in the week but Sunday.

4. Several years ago the centigrade scale was in common use In all but English-speaking countries.

5. Our Sun is but a star of our Milky Way, which is but one of many galaxies.

6. The tailless missile generally involves but one set of control surfaces.

7. Heat energy is nothing but the energy of motion of the molecules of which matter is composed.

8. Life is nothing but an endless series of chemical reactions.

9. But for the development of the helicopter into a practical aircraft, there is no doubt that the autogiro would still be much used.

10. The accuracy and reliability of his method were so obvious that we could not but accept it.

17. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на многозначность выделенных глаголов. После перевода повторите значения этих глаголов.

occur (5,15)

1. Acceleration occurs when thrust is greater than drag.

2. Vibration of aircraft due to landing tends to occur mainly at the lower frequencies.

3. The heaviest of all the naturally occurring atoms is uranium. It occurs in three isotopic forms.

estimate (5,30)

4. It is the purpose of this chapter to estimate the danger arising from uranium radiation.

5. Measurements of the changes of the Sputniks orbit allowed the scientists to estimate the air density at a height of 200 kilometers.

6. The inside temperature of the Sun Is estimated to be about 30,000,000° C.

assembly - зд. группа

reveal (5,32)

7. Maxwells equation reveals that all the waves of the spectrum have the same velocity in vacuum.

8. Radar is most successful in revealing isolated objects.

9. The length of the new turbojet is about 150 ft. Precise dimensions have not yet been revealed.

18. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание иа миогозиачиость существительного background (5,16).

1. The best time for the observation of Sputniks is when the Sun is below the horizon and illuminates the Sputnik against a dark background.

2. The book describes the background of current work on rockets and guided missiles.

3. The last four chapters of the book give the student background and related information which will broaden his understanding of the gas-turbine engine field.

4. One needs a background in astronomy and astrophysics in order to fully understand this text.

5. Every mechanic must have a background of special technical knowledge in order to operate and inspect his apparatus.

19. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание иа перевод словосочетаний in respect to и with respect to (5,20).

1. Titanium metal is midway between steel and aluminum alloy In respect to mechanical strength and temperature resistance.

2. With respect to range surface-to-surface missiles may be of two types.

3. With respect to solar particles it is of course possible to say that they penetrate an interplanetary gaseous plasma made up by the partic es constituting the slower components of solar corpuscular radiation.

4. Gamma rays and X-rays are both forms of electromagnetic radiation and differ only with respect to origin.

5. In unpowered flight in space the principal control problem is that of controlling the orientation of the vehicle with respect to a specified reference system.

20. Переведите предложения, содержащие прилагательные типа outer, outermost

1. An inner wing is that part of a long airplane wing that lies inside the outer wing.

2. The upper part of the earths atmosphere is called the ionosphere.

3. In a good conductor like copper, some of the outermost orbital electrons are only slightly bound to the atomic nucleus.

1. The uppermost part of the atmosphere, called the ionosphere, is located above the stratosphere.

5. The innermost planet of the solar system is Mercury.

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