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21. Переведите предложения, содержащие глагол to draw (,29). Укажите, от чего зависит перевод этого глагола.

1. Like the piston engine, gas turbine draws in atmospheric air which is compressed and then heated.

2. At saturationelectrons are being drawn to the anode as fast as the filament can produce them.

3. In Fig. 81 the lines showing the direction of the pressure are drawn at right angles to the surface of the airfoil.

4. Historys first flight in outer space has made it possible to draw the immensely important scientific conclusion that manned flights in space are possible.

5. Above the critical temperature there is no reason to draw any distinction between liqufd and vapour.

22. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание иа перевод слова throughout (5.31).

1. Interplanetary gas, consisting mainly of ionized hydrugen, helium, and electrons, is distributed throughout the solar system.

2. During acceleration space pilot Yuri Gagarin kept in constant radio-telephone contact with the ground flight control station and felt well throughout this stage of flight. Throughout the period of weightlessness he also felt well.

3. We have tried throughout to emphasize certain basic concepts and their role in understanding the natural world.

4. When cooling is very slow and the temperature is uniform throughout the body of metal, crystals form more or less simultaneously throughout the mass.

. 5. Throughout this book the word "velocity" will always indicate a vector.

23. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод словосочетания to be familiar (with smth.) (5,33).

1. Every observer is familiar with the production of heat from other forms of energy.

2. Examples illustrating the production of electric charge are familiar to everyone.

3. We are all- familiar with ice, water and steam, which are known as the three states of water.

4. The information in the guidebook was prepared essentially by those companies in the nuclear power industries most familiar with the section presented.

24. Повторение.

A, Переведите следующие прилагательные и подберите к каждому из них близкие по значению слова:

immense, evident, current, ordinary, external

obvious, outer, enormous, mo(Jern, conventional, great, recent


Б. Переведите, обращая внимание на выделенные словосочетания: in terms (of smth.), no longer, long before, at all, in view (of smth.), with a view (to smth.), lo be aware (of smth.), to give rise (to smth.).

1. The power of mechanical devices can be given in terms of speed.

2. The basic concepts of thermodynamics are most easily understood in terms of simple experiments.

3. The re-entry of a space-vehicle is no longer a problem.

4. Experts predict that oil reserves will be used up long before coal.

5. The life on other planets, if it exists at all, is not like ours.

6. In view of its great simplicity the solid-propellant rocket is particularly well suited to developing very h gh thrusts during short periods of time.

7. Much research has been done on submarine sounds with a view to controlling noise.

8. Niels Bohr was aware that an atom possesses certain "stationary states" in which it emits no radiation.

9. The disintegration of the radioactive elements gives rise to three types of radiations.

Словообразовательное упражнение

25. Переведите следующие глаголы, обращая внимание на то, что префикс over- имеет значение «сверх», «чрезмерно», а under- «недх>статочно»:










Упражнения на перевод терминов 26. Переведите термины, состоящие из слова self и причастия (1 или II).

self-aiming antiaircraft missile

самонаводящаяся зенитная ракета self-propelled antiaircraft artillery самоходная зенитная артиллерия

Английский термин

Область применения

ielf-directing missile self-focusing device self-balancing phase transformer self-maintaining reactor self-destroying booster self-propelled launcher self-coo ed device self-supported mechanism

авиация телевидение электротехника ядерная физика ракетная техника

то же ядерная физика автоматика

27. Переведите термины, первым компонентом которых является слово direct («прямой», «непосредственный»),

direct-writing recorder самописец с прямой записью

Английский термин

Область применения

direct-reading meter


direct-drive engine


direct-motor drive


direct-acting load


direct-coupled amplifier


Упражнения в чтении

28. Прочитайте следующие глаголы, обращая внимание иа произношение суффиксов -ate, -ize, -fy. Соблюдайте правильное ударение.
























29. Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на произношение суф. фикса -ate.

у глаголов

[eit] separate moderate associate

у прилагательных [it]

а separate room a moderate speed an associate unit

30. Прочитайте следующие слова с префиксами over- и under-, соблюдая правильное ударение:

undervalue undercharge underestimate




31. Прочитайте следующие слова из основного текста:

colour [кл1э] exhibit [igzibit]

immense [Imens] Interior [intiario]

yield ni:ld] double [dAbl]

consequently [konsikwontli] throughout [flru/aut]

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