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to put into use, to put into operation, to put into practice

3. The first nuclear power station was put into operation in 1955.

4. A new solar heliograph has recently been put into use in the Soviet Union.

5. The development of automatic computers is so rapid that often new designs have become obsolete* before they have even been put into practice.

to set into motion

6. Bodies and particles are set into motion when a force acts upon them.

7. Our first knowledge of motion and its causes come from our attempts to set bodies in motion.

4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание иа перевод словосочетаний с глаголом to take:

to take account (of smth.) «учитывать»; to take advantage (of smth.) «использовать»; to take care (of smth.) «заботиться, принимать меры»; to take part (in smth.) «принимать участие»; to take place «иметь место»; to take into account «принимать во внимание»; to take into consideration «принимать BO внимание»

1. Vector addition takes account not only of the amount but of the direction of the quantities involved.

2. The first scientific atom picture which really took account of a wide range of phenomena was developed by Niels Bohr about 1913.

3. When planning communication in space we must take into account the ionosphere.

4. Many models were proposed for atoms, but the first scientific atom picture which really took account of a wide range of phenomena was developed about 1913.

5. Astronomers have begun to take advantage of several recent improvements in photographic materials.

6. There are two 1,500 v.a. inverters in this system: one inverter powers the radar, while the second takes care of other fixed-frequency equipment.

7. We have to take care not to use this measuring device when the voltage is too high.

8. Nearly all gas engines are driven by explosions which take place within the cylinder of the engine.

9. The process of fusion takes place inside the sun under enormous pressures and with temperatures of the order of twenty million degrees.

10. We define an atom as the smallest particle of an element which can take part in a chemical change.

11. We should take into account that X-rays and radioactivity are discussed from an experimental standpoint.

• obsolete - устаревший

12. We must always take Into consideration the amount of force applied.

13. Thermodynamic properties of fluids must be taken into consideration when the fluid involved is readily compressible.

5. Переведите предложения, в состав которых входят несвободные словосочетания типа «глагол + существительное».

Заметьте, что значение словосочетания можно выяснить, исходя нз значения существительного (§ 52).

to make use, to make reference, to make provisions

1. The steam engine makes use of the kinetic energy of steam.

2. The author always makes reference to the additional literature on every subject of interest to the reader.

3. The designers of airplanes often make provisions for placing some cargo in wings.

4. For orientation of the ship in the case of manual control, the spaceman makes use of an optical orientation that permits determining the position of the ship relative to the Earth.

to give consideration, to give mention, to give account

5. In the selection of a suitable power unit, we must give consideration also to simplicity and convenience.

6. In the report the author gave mention of the experiments which are being made in the upper atmosphere.

7. Electromagnetic theory can give a satisfactory account of the transmission of light in transparent media.

8. The three preceding chapters give an account of the geometrical theory of optical imaging.

to pay attention

9. The scientists pay the closest attention to all previous experiments and their results before starting their own experiments.

to place emphasis

10. In studying motion at constant speed around a circular curve, the author places emphasis upon the fact that even though the body moves at constant speed its velocity changes continually-

e. Переведите предложения, в состав которых входит вариант словосочетания «глагол Н-существительное», имеющий пассивную форму и, следовательно, измененный порядок следования компонентов.

Сравните словосочетание и его вариант:

to make use - use is made


1. Use is made of the fact that... Используется тот факт, что...

2. Full advantage was taken of the properties of liquid metals...

Полностью использовались те свойства жидких металлов...

use is made

1. We know that the neutron is electrically neutral and use can be made of that property.

2. Several systems of units can be used to express electrical quantities; in this book use is made of the meter-kilogram-second system.

reference is made

3. Reference was made in the previous paragraph to different types of flow.

4. Reference has already been made to a metallic thermometer based on the expansion of solids.

5. For a ful consideration of the behaviour of gases at rest reference should be made to any textbook discussing this subject.

provision is made

6. Provision should be made to identify the position of the emitted beam.

7. Satellites of the Moon can be established if provision is made to reduce their velocity in the vicinity * of the Moon.

8. The operation of any gas turbine engine requires that provision be made for three principal functions: 1) the compression of the air, 2) the expansion of the air by burning fuel and 3) the extraction of power from the jet stream of the engine.

mention is made

9. In this article mention Is made of disturbances in radio communication due to variations in the ionization of the D-layer.

10. Mention has to be made of radar antennas which are installed in modern military aircraft.

{Recount is taken

11. Account must be taken of the forces which come into action when flying at supersonic speed.

12. As Bernoullis equation can be properly applied to "ideal" fluids, in considering "real" fluids account must be taken of the force required to overcome viscosity.

advantage is taken

13. Advantage must be taken of special properties of germanium.

• vicinity - близость, соседство

* disturbance - помеха

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