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14. The heat-transfer characteristics of liquid metals are so much better than those of gas that full advantage must be taken of this.

care is taken, care is exercised

15. Throughout the book care was taken to use the simplest mathematical methods that will yield the desired results.

16. As radioisotopes can kill living cells, great care must be taken in their use.

17. A great deal of care must be exercised when dealing with liquid propellants.

emphasis is placed

18. Much emphasis has been placed on Brownian movement, i. e. the motion of very smll particles under the impact of gas or liquid molecules.

19. Throughout the book much emphasis has been placed on fundamental units of physics.

20. Much emphasis is placed upon electrical demonstrations to be performed by the instructor before student groups.

consideration is given

21. Detailed consideration is given to fluid compressibility in chapter 4.

22. Problems of navigation are much more complex in space. Careful consideration must be given to the velocity of the rocket and to the velocity of the Earth and any planet it is trying to approach.

account is given

23. Most of the details of guided missiles are secret, so that no full account of the various weapons can be given.

7. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод словосочетания to keep in mind и to bear in mind («помнить», «держать в уме»).

1. One must keep in mind that there is no such thing as a frictionless machine.

2. We have to bear in mind that space exploration is still in its infancy, and that man has by no means achieved a complete knowledge of all these aspects.

3. In our consideration of reaction devices we must keep In mind that solid-fuel rockets have been in use for many centuries.

4. It must be borne in mind that objects cannot fluoresce unless they are specially treated by ultra-violet.

в. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание иа перевод словосочетаний типа «глагол + прилагательное»:

to be familiar «знать, быть знакомым»; to be aware «знать»; to be responsible «являться причиной», «обусловливать», «вызывать»; to hold true «быть справедливым, соответствовать действительности»; to feel certain «быть уверенным»

to be familiar

1. Everyone is now familiar with the principles on which radai works.

2. There are two properties of the atomic nucleus that should be familiar to us: one is its electric charge, the other its mass.

3. One more gas is familiar to us all, the coal-gas, which is supplied to houses.

to be aware, to become aware

4. Roentgen became aware of the existence of X-rays when he noticed that a fluorescent substance became luminous even through a thick layer of some material.

5. Astronomers have long been aware that the atmosphere is opaque * to the radiation of wavelengths shorter than about 2,900 angstroms.

6. Many people are aware that over-exposure to ultra-violet of certain kinds may be extremely dangerous, but they are not aware that the term "ultra-violet" covers a wide range of radiations whose physiological effects are dependent on wavelength.

to be responsible

7. Clouds are responsible for the brightness of Venus.

8. The solar radiation is responsible for some interesting phenomena occurring in the ionosphere.

9. Gamma rays and neutrons do not possess a charge, hence they cannot be responsible for direct production of ionization.

10. It has been found that organic molecules may be responsible for the dark areas on Mars.

11. Those sources of current in which chemical action is directly responsible for the flow of electricity have been called primary batteries.

12. Vibration due to turbine blades is responsible for the characteristic noise of gas turbines.

to hold true

13. The above-mentioned facts hold true for the regions of the body which are away from the leading and trailing edges.

14. Some of the scientific conceptions of ancient scientists hold true even now.

* opaque -непропускающнй, непроницаемый

to feel certain (sure)

15. Ttie experimentors felt certain that the achieved results would prove their assumptions.

16. K. E. Tsiolkovsky felt sure that space flight was a scientific possibility.

9. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод выделенных словосочетаний:

it happens that «случается, что», «оказывается, что»; it requires (to do smth.) «требуется ... (чтобы сделать что-л.)»; it seems that «кажется, что», «по-видимому»; it appears that «создается впечатление, что», «оказывается, что»; it turns out that «оказывается, что»; It follows that «из этого следует, что»; It follows (from smth.) that «из ... следует, что»; it takes ... (to do smth.) «требуется ... (для того, чтобы сделать что-то)»; It takes (smth.) ...(to do smth.) «(чему-то) требуется ... (для того, чтобы сделать что-л.)» (§ 54)

1. It often happens that when the weight of some item of equipment is changed, the direct influence of this change on the aircraft performance will be accompanied by other associated changes.

2. It required several hours to start an engine in Arctic conditions.

3. It seems possible that the results of the first experiments will be unsatisfactory.

4. It appears that up to 10 tons of solid matter fall on Earth daily as meteorites from the solar system.

5. It turns out that microwave region is as useful as the optical region for a number of applications.

6. It turns out that the problem of carrying away dangerous by-products is not yet solved.

7. Since electric charge can neither be created nor destroyed, it follows that the rate of increase of the total charge inside any volume must be equal to the flow of charge into this volume.

8. Since the effects of inductance are evident only when the current is changing, it follows that inductance cannot be measured in a steady-current circuit.

9. It follows from Bernoullis theorem that where the velocity is higher, the pressure is lower.

10. It takes our Earth 365 days to revolve around the Sun.

11. It will take from 2 to 4 days to reach the Moon, depending on the exact velocity attained.

12. The time it takes a planet to travel around the Sun is called a year.

13. It took nature millions of years to make coal and oil.

14. It is possible to determine with considerable precision the lime it takes a bod> to fall various distances,

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