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iO. Outside ttie Earttis atmosphere, the insulation problem is negligible and it would seem to be a simple matter to arrange for the liquid hydrogen temperature to be maintained at, say, -258° С by a small refrigerating system.

Лексические упражнения

12. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на многозначность глагола to fit (6,1). Назовите слова, на значение которых вы опирались при выборе перевода глагола.

1. Beta particles, being repelled by other electrons, are better fitted for penetrating matter tlian alpha particles.

2. Altimeters used in aircraft are fitted with a subscale in millibars.

13. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на то, что выделенные слова представляют собой различные части речи. Определите, какой частью речи они являются и как переводятся.

medium (6,4)

1. Radio waves travel through the medium of air.

2. Cherenkov counters make use of photo-multipiier tubes and media which are sensitive to the passage of charged particles.

3. Medium and long-distance radio communications are conducted on high frequencies.

straight (6,19)

4. In the absence of the force of gravity a body will continue to move in a straight line.

5. The vertical motion of a projectile is the same as that of a body which is thrown straight up.

14. Переведите предложения. Выберите нужный перевод выделенных словосочетаний. /

to be referred to (as smth.) (6,7)

1. Heat has been referred to earlier as a form of energy.

2. The age of the electronic computer is often referred to as the Second Industrial Revolution.

3. In communication engineering, interference with a received signal is referred to as noise.

4. The various kinds of missiles are referred to as surface-to-air, air-to-air, air-to-surface and surface-to-surface missiles.

5. Kinetic energy has already been referred to as the energy possessed by a moving body due to its speed.

as follows (6,27)

6. The pumping action of a centrifugal pump may be understood as follows.

photo-multiplier lube - фотоумножитель

7. The theoretical values obtained by various investigators are as follows.

15. Повторение.

A. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод глаголов:

to correspond, to fail, to associate, to provide, to facilitate, to appreciate, to reveal, to occur, to exfilbit, to yield

1. The air pressure of 87 mm corresponds to an altitude of about 50,000 feet.

2. The engine fuel system usually includes an emergency system 1 to supply fuel to the engine when the main system fails.

3. The rea problems of the turbine are, of course, associated with the high gas temperature.

4. The infra-red spectrum of molecules have provided an excellent field for study and verification of the theoretical predictions of quantum mechanics.

5. It is possible to facilitate the escape of an electron from a conductor by increasing its speed.

6. It is not difficult to appreciate the problems facing the rocket engineer who must design engines involving gas temperatures of 5000 degrees.

7. The man who at last revealed the secret of Saturns rings was Huyghens in 1655.

8. There is abundant evidence of the energy change which occurs when systems undergo structural rearrangement.

9. An excess of electrons causes the atom to exhibit the properties of a body charged positively.

10. Each fission process of such a kind yields two radioisotopes and about one excess neutron.

Б, Подберите английские глаголы, соответствующие по значению следующим русским глаголам:

приобретать, получать; полагать, считать; исследовать, изучать; позволять, разрешать; случаться, происходить; открывать, обнаруживать

explore, obtain, happen, discover, take place, disclose, acquire, achieve, assume, study, attain, suppose, believe, occur, reveal, investigate, permit, show, receive, consider, allow

Словообразовательное упражнение

16. Переведите следующие слова, обращая внимание иа то, что префикс rf означает повторность действия (например, write «писать», rewrite - «снов» написать»):

re-form, renew, re-radiate, readjust, reuse, re-entry

* emergency system - аварийная снстемд » verification - подтверждение

Упражнения на перевод терминов

17, Переведите термины, первым компонентом которых является прнлагатель* ное long («длинный», «длительный»)

long-endurance flight (авиация) полет на продолжительность

Английский термин

Область применения

long-range gun


long-run test


long-distance cable


long-time memory

вычислительная тех-


long-wave transmitter


long-life device

long-distance record


long-distance telephone


long-duration test


long-term records

18. Переведите термины, первым компонентом которых является прйлагатель-ное high («высокий», «большой»).

• high-power station (электричество) силовая станция большой мощности

Английский термин

Область применения

high-speed storage



high-speed indicator


high-speed switch


high-power gun


high-power modulation


high-ratio transformer


high-wing monoplane •


high-pass filter


Упражнения в чтении

19. Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на чтение буквы <е» перед буквой «г» в открытом ударном слоге:

inherent, period, materially, experience, inferior, superior

iO. Прочитайте слова с префиксом re-, соблюдая правильное ударение:

re-form, renew, re-radiate, readjust, rearm, re-entry, reconstruct, reorganize

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