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3. Never before has the imagination of manl<ind been captivated so much by the concept of space.

4. Not until 1907, when gasoline engines were available, did the first helicopter fly.

5. Not only did the Greeks know that the Earth was spherical, but they measured its size with an appreciable accuracy.

6. Science is a continuing process and at no stage can one say that ones knowledge is complete and final.

7. Not only do electrons increase the mass as they get to higher energies, but at very high eneigies they actually radiate away their energy as electromagnetic waves, some short enough to appear as visible light.

8. Although the existence of infrared radiation was realized well over a century ago, only in the last two decades have applications been widespread.

9. Not only do metals conduct heat, but so do all other substances.

3, Переведите предложеиия, содержащие ииверсию, которая начинается ело-вами neither илн nor, имеющими значение «также не».


The length of tlie axial rotation period of the planet remains unknown, nor is the axial inclination known.

Продолжительность периода вращения этой планеты вокруг оси неизвестна, а также не известен наклон ее оси.

1. The Milky Way is not uniform in brightness, nor is the distribution of the stars in the Milky Way uniform.

2. In the tropical regions of the world, the weather is subject to the influences of other temperature zones. There exists no well-defined air mass density, neither are there well-defined pressure patterns.

3. Great cold may not by itself make life (on other planets) impossible, nor by itself may great pressure.

4. The Moon having no atmosphere, there can be no wind, nor, of course, can there be any noise, for sound is carried by the air.

5. The result of measuring the intensity of ionizing radiation in the E-layer was quite unexpected, nor had it been foreseen by the solar physicists.

6. The need for reliable, rapid and efficient means of communication has never been greater than it is to-day -nor is this need likely to decrease in the future.

* captivate -захватывать

4. Переведите предложения, содержащие инверсию, которая начинается ело вом so («также»).

Заметьте, что в этих предложениях сказуемое представлено не пот иостью, а лишь вспомогательным или модатьным глаголом При переводе однако, рекомендуется полностью повторить сказуемое первого предю-жеиия.


The glass rod if rubbed with silk attracts small objects, so does the sealing wax.

Стеклянная палочка, если ее потереть о шелк, притягивает небольшие предметы; также притягивает небольшие предметы и сургуч.

J. Copper readily allows electric current to flow through it and so does silver.

2. As the art of electronics itself develops, so will the changes be felt throughout the whole field of computing.

3. Sputnik II provided one of the simplest and, at the same time, most sensitive methods of recording the intensity of micro-meteors, so did Sputnik III.

5. Переведите предложения, содержащие инверсию.

Заметьте, что на первом месте в предложении стоит прилагательное, за которым следует союз as или though (имеющий значение «хотя», § 97). Перевод рекомендуется начинать с союза, затем перевести подлежащее, находящееся за союзом, а уже потом сказуемое.


Important as this problem is in itself... Хотя эта проблема и является важной...

1. Little though the probability of a collision of rockets and large meteors may be, ttie possibility still exists.

2. Useful as electron tubes are, they are not essential to the successful operation of electronic devices.

3. Uncertain though information about meteoritic input to the earths atmosphere may be, the satellite data indicated an estimate of 800,000 to 1 million tons per day.

4. Difficult as it is to observe the surface markings of Aercury, it is far more difficult to obtain any certain evidence of an atmosphere.

5. Simple as it seemed at its discovery, the neutron is now known to be a very complex object.

6. Lightweight though titanium is, it in certain respects exceeds in strength some of the best grades of steel.

e. Переведите предложения, используя приведенные ниже слова и словосочетания. Употребите ииверсию.

1. На рисунке показан циклотрон.

2. Вокруг ядра располагаются электроны.

3. С тягой двигателя тесно связан вес самолета.

4. К каждой летной школе прикреплены инструкторы.

5. В этой главе описываются основные виды снарядов.

the cyclotron, on the photo, is shown

the nucteus, the electrons, are surrounding

with thrust, the weight of the airplane, is associated

to every pilot school, instructors, are attached

in this chapter, the main types of missiles, are described

7. Переведите предложения, содержащие инверсию.

Заметьте, что если во втором предложении, содержащем инверсию, иа первом месте стоит причастие, то часто для связи его с предыдущим предложением приходится вводить слова «при этом», «здесь же», «сюда же» н др.

1. The book attempts to give a fairly detailed description of the first astronautical experiments made from artificial satellites. Given also are some of the theoretical investigations that have gone along with these experiments.

2. Rutherford and Niels Bohr came to the conclusion that the atom consisted of a central core, the nucleus, having a positive electric charge. Revolving around it in various orbits are a number of negative electrons.

3. Prior to flight, all operational equipment that can be operated on the ground is "run" and its functioning is checked Included are engines, flight controls, radios, navigational instruments, etc.

4. The basic properties inherent to the materials used for electromagnets and permanent magnets are considered in this chapter, included are the calculations of magnetic circuits and some facts about the earths magnetism.

5. As the velocity of an electron increases so does its kinetic energy.

6. Neither the protons nor the neutrons or electrons involved in the process of fission disappear. Nor do they become smaller.

7. Little as it is this thermal radiation can be detected from the Suns surface at very short radio wavelengths.

8. Only within comparatively recent times has it been widely accepted that the Earth, rather than the sky, rotates.

9. Although the biosphere is mainly composed of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, other elements are essential constituents of living matter. Notable among them are phosphorus and sulfur.

10. A few materials, notably the transition elements Co, Ni, Fe, exhibit ferromagnetic behaviour. Not only are they attracted very strongly by a magnetic field but they often have a strong magnetic moment even in the absence of an external magnetic field.

check - контролировать

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