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Словообразовательние упражнение

21. Переведите следующие слова, учитывая, что префикс pre- означает предшествование, а post- последующее событие:

pre-war, pre-arrange, prehistoric, pre-human, preheat, postwar, post-graduate

Упражнения на перевод терминов

22. Переведите термины, состоящие из сложного прилагательного с окончанием -ed и существительного. ДаГпе сначала описательный перевод, а затем установите, какой термин в русском языке выражает это понятие в указанной области техники.

four-engined airplane I

снабженный чем?-(г-самолет \

четырьмя двигателями

четырехмоторный самолет

Английский термин

Область применения

four-bladed airscrew


long-nosed airplane


double-walled chamber


thin-walled tanks


air-Cored transformer


air-spaced transformer

23. Переведите термины, вторым компонентом которых является прилагательное proof (пишется слитно или через дефис со стоящим впереди существительным).

В таких сочетаниях proof имеет значение «защищенный (от)», «непроницаемый (для)».

acidproof material


для чего?непроницаемый

для кислоты

кислотоупорный материал

core - сердечник

Английский термин

Область применения

shockproof device


airproof cabin


explosionproof reactor

ядерная физика

waterproof case


foolproof adjustment


Упражнения в чтении

24. Прочитайте следующие слова, соблюдая правила чтения буквосочетаний аи и aw:

[у.\ launch, pause, cause, automatic, because, exhaust, draw, raw, law

25. Прочитайте следующие слова с префиксами pre- н post-, соблюдая правильное ударение:

pre-war, pre-arrange, preheat, prehistoric, post-war, post-graduate

26. Прочитайте следующие слова, соблюдая правильное произношение окончания -es:

[iz] [s] или [z]

boxes charges machines failures

cases analyses tapes schedules

devices processes games alternatives

changes anguages engines estimates

27. Прочитайте следующие слова нз основного текста:

schedule Ifdjull prograinniinK (prougramiol

processing [prousesiQl routine [ru/tin)

labour Iieiba] virtually [v9:tjudli]

)rior [praiaj alternative [oiltarnativl

18. Прочитайте следующие предложения, содержащие инверсию. Соблюдайте указанные паузы.

1. Shown on the photo is part of a data-processing machine...

2. Perfect as modern computers are, they cannot be called brains...

3. Not until a program is prepared does a computer perform any conversion ...


(Для перевода без словаря)

At ordinary temperatures hydrogen and. oxygen, and some other potential propellants, for example fluorine, are gases and not until they are in a gaseous state do they undergo chemical reaction in the rocket engine. But in the gaseous form they have

such low densities that it would require extremely large tanks to store them in the rocket vehicle. The storage of propellants in the gaseous form is thus completely impractical. It is for this reason that the substances mentioned above are stored as liquids at vcrv low temperatures; they are consequently referred to as "cryogenic propellants" (from "Kryos" - "ice cold" in Greek).

In the liquid form, the densities are much greater than in the gaseous state, and consequently the propellant tanks can be much smaller and less massive. This advantage 1ч offset however, bv the low temperature required, so that liquid hydrogen, liquid fluorine, and liquid oxygen cannot be .stored in the rocket tanks for long periods of time, nor can they be used without special precautions

Such nonstorable, cryogenic propellants must be loaded into the tanks shortly before the rocket is launched.

The cryogenic liquids are made by simultaneously* compressing and cooling the gases to the required low temperature. They are then stored and transported, with moderate loss, in special vacuum-jacketed tanks. These containers are designed on the same principle as the familiar vacuum-bottles* used to store hot or cold liquids in the home.

Here you can see the temperatures at which a number of cryogenic liquids, of possible use as propellants, liquefy at ordinary atmospheric pressure. These temperatures represent the conventional boiling points* of the various liquids. By increasing the pressure in the container the boiling points can be raised to a certain extent, so that the liquid form can exist at somewhat higher temperatures. It can be seen, however, that tlie temperatures required to produce and store cryogenic propellants are extremely low by normal standards.

Boiling points of cryogenic propellants


Density (gramsjcu cm)

Boiling points








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In order to avoid the problems associated with cryogenic propellants and to make rockets ready for launching at all times, storable liquid propellants have been developed.

cryogenic - криогенный, с глубоким охлаждением

2 offset - сводить на нет

precautions - меры предосторожности

* simultaneously - одновременно

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