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7. The radiation received on the Earth from the planets can be measured with the aid of a Idrge telescope in conjunction with a sensitive detector of radiation.

8. The sensitivity of a phototube in conjunction with a voltage amplifier is so great that it may be used to study the light from stars.

together with (smth.)

9. The space ship Vostok weighed, together with the cosmonaut, 4,725 kg.

10. Physics is concerned broadly with matter and energy, together with such related quantities as force and motion.

11. High velocity rocket missiles usually require a large ratio of total impulse to total weight together with a small frontal area.

7. Переведите предложения, содержащие несвободные словосочетания, выступающие 8 функции предлогов:

at th« expense of (smth.) «за счет (чего-л.)»; as distinct from (smth.) «b отличие от (чего-л.)»; irrespective of (smth.) «независимо от (чего-л.)»; in spite of (smth.) «несмотря на (что-л.)»; previous (prior) to (smth.) «до», «перед (чемл.)»; as compared with (smth.) «по сравнению с (чем-л.)»; in contrast to (smth.), contrary to (smth.) «в противоположность (чему-л.)»; according to (smth.), in accordance with (smth.) «согласно (чему-л.)», «в соответствии с (чем-л.)» (§ 62).

at the expense of (smth.)

1. The simplicity of the rocket power unit is obtained at the expense oT economy of fuel consumption.

2. Work is done by heat engines at the expense of the kinetic energy of molecules which have been heated.

3. If no energy is supplied to the gas during expansion, llie work will necessarily be done at the expense of the internal energy of the gas, and as a result its temperature will fall.

4. Lightness of the airplane structure at the expense of strength is dangerous.

as distinct from (smth.)

5. A rocket motor is a heat engine, that is, a machine to convert lieat into mechanical movement, as distinct from the electric motor, the water tui>bine, etc.

6. In previous chapters mention has been made of the motion of rotation as distinct from the motion of translation.

irrespective of (smth.)

7. Isotopes of an element are atoms whose nucleus has the same net charge, irrespective of the number of neutrons.

8. The statement that all objects, irrespective of mass, fall with the same acceleration is a result that follows readily from Newtons universal law of gravitation.

in spite of (smth.)

9. In spite of its small mass a meteor may carry considerable kinetic energy.

previous (prior) to (smtli.)

10. Previous to the discovery of the neutron, all atom nuclei were assumed to consist of protons and electrons.

11. Rockets were largely experimental in nature prior to the past war.

as compared with (to) (smth.)

12. There are many stars which give out energy at the rate of 10,000 ergs per gram as compared with the Suns 2 ergs per gram.

13. Mars reflects 59 per cent of the light falling on it, as compared with only 7 per cent for the Moon,

in contrast to (smth.), contrary to (smth.)

14. The operation of the rocket motor is independent of the speed of flight, in contrast to the other jet systems in which the speed is limited by internal aerodynamic considerations.

15. Contrary to comrnon belief jet engine is not a modern development.

• according to (smth.), in accordance with (smth.)

16. When astronomers classify the stars according to their apparent brightness, they use the word magnitude.

17. The elements are arranged in a table in accordance with their atomic number.

8. Переведите предложения, содержащие несвободные словосочетания с существительными part, time, date (§ 57-59):

for the most part «главным образом*, «по большей части»; in part «частично»; on the part of (smb ) «со стороны (кого-л.)»; at times «иногда»; for the time being «в данное время»; it time «вовремя»; up to date «современный»; out of date «устаревший»; to date «до настоящего времени»

for the most part

1. The smallest dust particles, called micrometeorites, are concentrated for the most part in the plane of the Earths orbit.

2. In the following pages we shall for the most part discuss the fundamentals of space medicine, with some added remarks about astrobiology.

3. So far we have been discussing, for the most part, motion in a straight line.

in part

4. Electrically charged bodies lose their charges, in part at least, as soon as they come into contact with conductors.

5. The performance of a ramjet engine depends, in part, upon its flight speed.

6. After leaving the combustion chamber the gases consist in part of heated air and, in part, of the burnt products of combustion.

on the part of

7. Supersonic flight demands great skill on the part of the pilot,

8. Naturally occurring types of energy are those available without any action on the part of man.

at times

9. It is true that Venus at times comes closer to the Earth than Mars.

10. When the orbit of Venus lies outside the orbit of the Earth, the planet is, at times, visible throughout the night.

in time

11. The results of the experiments were received in time.

12. All the maintenance and repair work of engine parts should be made in time.

for the time being

13. For the time being it is convenient* to disregard the resistance in the wires.

14. For the time being we shall not consider the problems associated with the calculation of trajectories of rockets.

up to date

15. The whole treatment of the subject in this book is up to date.

16. The plant was provided with all the necessary up to date machinery.

out of date

17. As the device was rather out of date it was decided not to install it on the new experimental model.

to date

18. To date little is known of the surface conditions of Venus.

19. All reactors to date have been designed to use either uranium 235, uranium 238 or plutonium 239 as a fuel.

9. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание иа перевод несвободных словосочетаний:

In common «общий»; at length «подробно»; by now «к настоящему моменту»; by then «к тому времени»; on the average «в среднем»; now that «теперь, когда»; on the whole «в целом»; except for «за исключением»; no longer «больще не»; а great deal, а good deal «много»; in turn «в свою очередь»; once more «опять», «еще раз»; at once «сразу»; one another, each other «друг друга».

In common

1. Liquids and gases have one property in common: they are both able to flow.

2. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus have so many characteristics in common that they may well be treated together.

at length

3. The electromagnet spectrum will be discussed at greater length in chapter 29.

by now

4. By now many types of powerful atom smashers have been built and are in operation.

convenient- удобный 7 Зак. 849

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