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Упражнение на перевод терминов

18. Переведите термины. Дайте сначала описательный перевод, а затем установите, какой термин в русском языке выражает это понятие в указанной области техники.

А. Термины, состоящие из трех компонентов: существительное+причастие (или герундий) + существительное

pulse-forming coil (связь) 1

какая? <- катушка что? образующая импульс

импульсная катушка

Английский термин

Область применения

error indicating circuit


direction-finding receiver


data-translating system

вычислительная тех-


error-measuring system


)lutonium-producing reactor

ядерная физика

)eam-forming cathode


isotope-handling equipment

ядерная физика

voltage-regulating system


information-carrying capacity


frequency-dividing circuit


spectrum-measuring detector

ядерная физика

e ectron-emitting source

ядерная физика

receiver feeding battery


information destroying process


Б. Термины, состоящие из трех компонентов: существительное + причастие II + существительное

relay-operated device (автоматика)

какое? устройство

чем?*- приводимое в действие реле

прибор непрямого действия

Английский термин

Область применения

radio-controlled bomb


surface-launched missile

ракетная техника

surface-cooled reactor

ядерная физика

neutron-produced fission

то же

liquid-cooled engine


time-modulated beam


ground-based computer


engine-driven pump


fission-produced particle

ядерная физика

ramjet-propelled missile

ракетная техника

cathode-loaded amplifier


)ressure-operated switch


)attery-fed receiver


rocket-powered booster

ракетная техника

meson-produced star

ядерная физика

Упражнения в чтении

19. Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на чтение буквы i перед окончанием -es:

Глаголы в 3-м лице един- Суиествительные во мно-ственного числа настоя- жественном числе

щего времени

[ai] modifies simpHfies identifies rectifies amplifies specifies







20. Прочитайте следующие слова с префиксами seml-, trans-, поп-, соблюдая правильное ударение:

semiconductor, semi,circle, semi-monocoque, semi-automa-tic, transatlantic, transoceanic, transcontinental, non-con-/ductor, non-essential, non-linear, non-standard, nondurable

21. Прочитайте следующие слова нз основного текста:

comparable [кэтрэгэЬ!] non-linear ГпэпЬшэ] crystalline Iknstalain] eme-ge [ima:d3] electrolyte [Ilektroulait] insulator Imsjuleita] witliin lwi6inj

interfere [intafia] loose [lu:s]

transfer n [trans Гэ:] transfer v [frsensfa:] silicon [silikan] germanium [d3a:meini9ml microplionics fmaikrafoniks]


(Для перевода без словаря)

Although the existence of radiation pressure has been known for many years, its application to spaceship propulsion has been mentioned only infrequently. A solar sail derives its propulsive force from the pressure due to the Suns light falling on a sail, which may be a thin sheet of aluminium foil or a thin plastic sheet silvered or aluminized on the sunny side to reflect the light. Some obvious advantages of the solar sail are as follows: mass ratio of unity (mass of ship remaining constant), availability of

Forces acting on spaceship.

sail force throughout ships entire journey, no need of fuel or propellant, no propulsive power plant aboard ship and its associated waste-heat disposal problem. Although the available force is small as compared to that of chemical rockets, it can be applied for as long as it is needed. A trip to Mars and Venus can perhaps be made in less time by solar sail than by chemical rocket.-A solar sail is equivalent to a rocket of mass ratio unity with an infinite propellant reserve. As far as propulsion is concerned, the ship can always return to Earth or make in-flight navigational corrections. In addition to this, since the ship moves at a nonuniform speed under a noncentral force system, the ships contents are not absolutely weightless, although the weight of any object would be much less than that at Earths surface. The solar sail is of negligible* cost, and is perhaps more powerful and less difficult than many often-cited competing schemes. We might add that a sailing project can be realized fairly soon without extensive research and development.

1 sail - Парус

2 sheet -лист

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