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7. То be sure, a number of techniques are available to protect the payload of a ballistic missile from the extreme heating produced during re-entry.

12. Переведите предложения, содержащие слово assembly (9,16), имеющее несколько значений. Объясните, от чего зависит выбор перевода в каждом случае.

1. The task of the plant was to make an assembly of all the component parts of the device.

2. All electronic assemblies and sub-assemblies of radar installed on the aircraft are cooled during the flight.

3. The solar system is a remarkable assembly of bodies revolving about the sun.

4. The liquid propellants are injected into the chamber by injector assemblies.

13. Переведите предложения, содержащие слова-заменители the former и the latter. Укажите, какие существительные заменяются ими.

1. Although liquids and gases are both fluids, the density of the former is only slightly inf uenced by changes in pressure and temperature.

2. All experiments show that for heavy nuclei the nuclei density is constant up to a certain distance from the centre and that it decreases to zero in a further distance which is small compared with the former.

3. When an electron current flows along a conductor the latter becomes heated.

4. Of the preceding two sections the latter will not be required for those familiar with the applications of radar in aviation.

14. Переведите предложеиия, обращая внимание иа то, что союз while имеет два значения: «в то время, как» и «хотя» (9,28).

1. Scientists discovered the existence of the binding force while they were investigating the phenomenon of radioactivity.

2. The transistor is a current-controlled unit, while the vacuum tube is voltage-controlled.

3. While isotope power sources are more efficient than the electrochemical systems, they still have some limitations.

4. While the rocket is a very simple device in theory. It can become exceedingly complex in practice.

15. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на многозначность предлога with:

1. «с» (вместе с кем-л., с чём-л.); 2. «в зависимости от (чего-л.)»; 3. «в случае (применения чего-л.)», «прн (применении чего-л.)»; 4. выражает отношения, передаваемые творительным падежом, отвечающим на вопрос «чем?». Помните, что предлог with может также входить в состав обособленного причастного оборота (§ 23, п. 3).

1. The non-metallic elements can combine together, and with the metals, with greater freedom.

2. Metals usually have a small positive coefficient; this is because the density of electrons does not change with temperature.

3. Multirange ammeters and voltmeters are provided with several shunts and multipliers.

4. With the metric system everything is measured in terms of three standard units: the meter, the kilogram and the second.

5. According to Kepler, for any two planets, with the periods of revolution being known with accuracy, the ratio of their mean distances may be obtained.

6. With the tremendous neutron intensities resulting from the chain reactions, isotopes in quantities unknown in the early days of neutron research now can be produced.

le. Повторение. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание иа перевод многозначных существительных impact, baclcground, Item.

1. Only microscopic particles exhibit the Brownian movement, because larger particles are subject to so many molecular collisions from all sides that the impact from one side neutralizes those from the other and no motion of particle results.

2. The full Impact of the work of the past decade on miniaturization is just beginning to be felt in industry.

3. The upper atmosphere emits light of two kinds, but neither is visible by day against the background of the bright sky.

4. The difference in viewpoint between physics and chemistry can hardly be appreciated without a background in both sciences.

5. The lift of an airplane is dependent upon two main items: the angle of attack and the mass of the air passing over the wing.

6. The several main items which are used to make up a complete armature* assembly are illustrated in Fig. 61.

Словообразовательные упражнения

17. Переведите следующие слова, исходя из значения осиовы и учитывая значения префиксов и суффиксов:

refuelling, rearmament, unavoidable, irremovable, inadequate, counter-clockwise, overestimate, undervalue, transoceanic, semifluid, subdivisible, ultra-short, non-fissionable

18. Переведите наречия с суффиксом -wise, пользуясь следующей моделью:



(чего?) в направлении хорды

по хорде

lengthwise, spanwise, clockwise, sidewise * armature - якорь 216 .

Упражнение на перевод терминов

19. Переведите сложные термины, в состав которых входит существительное и причастие II, соединенные дефисом (radio-controlled).

Английский термин

Область применения

pressure-fed liquid propellant rocket engine cathode-coupled multi-vibrator circuit field-controlled transistor unit frequency-modulated transmitter set pulsed amplitude-modulated carrier

ракетная техника радио

радиоэлектроника радио

Упражнения в чтении

20. Прочитайте следующие слова, соблюдая правильное ударение:

unlimited, refuelling, invaluable, ,concentration, re,llability, expensive, overestimate, undervalue, non-fissionable, super-natural

21. Прочитайте слова с суффиксом -wise, соблюдая правильное ударение: otherwise, clockwise, spanwise, sidewise, likewise

22. Прочитайте следующие слова из основного текста:

circumference [sakAmfarans] damage (daemids]

consequence [IcDnsikwans] circumstance [saikamstans]

percentage fpasentids] cumbersome [клтЬазэт]

assembly [asembli] dangerous fdeindsras]

23. Прочитайте предложеиия, соблюдая указанные паузы:

1. То begin with, the extremely high heat values...

2. To sum up, I it seems certain that...

3. Again, I the advantage offered by nuclear power...

4. Then, I for shielding purposes...

5. In consequence, such an aircraft...



(Для перевода без словаря)

Fluid mechanics is a combination of an analytical and empirical science. On the one hand, there are certain problems such as aspects of laminar flow» and irrotational flow * which can be analysed and expressed very accurately, simply from a mathematical approach. On the other hand, most engineering

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