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2. That kinetic energy could be turned into potential energy was recognized in the early days of mechanics.

3. Radar has been defined as the art of detecting by means of radio echoes the presence of objects, determining their direction and range and recognizing their character.

4. The technician of an airplane must have sufficient knowledge of the system to enable him to recognize and meet the electrical emergencies that may occur during flight.

arrive (10,11)

5. The delegation arrived just in time to take part in the conference.

6. In general celestial * mechanics arrives at its results by making use of a very far-reaching simplification.

10. Переведите предложения. Различайте глаголы to effect «осуществлять» (10,7) и to affect «влиять» (10,14).

1. On April 12, 1961, the Soviet Union effected the first manned space flight in history.

2. The decrease of density of the air affects the power of the engine.

3. Some mechanism is needed to inject the propellant into combustion chamber, and this is effected by the pressurization of the propellant tanks.

4. The intensity of the cosmic ray radiation is greatly affected by solar activity.

5. Protons, being positively charged particles, can be affected by electric as well as magnetic fields.

6. Radioisotope thermionic systems are unaffected by space radiation.

11. Переведите предложения. Различайте слова somewhat (10,24) и something.

Заметьте, что somewhat переводится словами «несколько», «до некоторой степени», а something означает «нечто», «что-то».

1. Friction decreases somewhat with increasing speed.

2. Atoms with the same atomic number may have somewhat different weights and still show almost identical physical and chemical properties.

3. The tube used by Thomson in 1898 in studying cathode rays was something like the picture tube in a modern television receiver.

4. The atom is something very different from the hard solid sphere that it was formerly believed to be.

12. Переведите предложения, содержащие слова типа thereafter, therefrom (10,25).

Заметьте, что эти слова состоят из слова there и какого-либо служебного слова after, from и т. д. Эти составные слова следует переводить.

• celestial- небесный

pressurization - герметизация

начиная со второго компонента, а первый компонент (there) переводить словом «таковой (этот)> в соответствующем падеже.

thereafter: вслед за этим, после этого therefrom: из этого

1. The high-velocity jet from a jet engine may be considered as a continuous recoil * imparting force against the airplane in which the engine is installed, thereby producing thrust.

2. Scientists had to put forward various hypothesis to account for the movements of planets therewith.

3. A molecule is a complicated structure with atoms and electrons therein.

4. When the primary cosmic rays strike the air surrounding the earth, they collide with oxygen and nitrogen molecules in their paths, showers 2 of secondary particles being produced thereafter.

5. We can study only a very small class of meteor orbits, and to draw therefrom conclusions about the whole assemblage of meteoric bodies in the solar system.

13. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание иа многозначность прилагательного apparent (10,29).

1. In recent years the value of infra-red analytical methods has become apparent to industry.

2 If energy changes are followed backward in the past, it becomes apparent that almost all the energy available to us has come ultimately from a single source - the Sun.

3. Centrifugal force is only an apparent force, which arises because of the tendency of moving objects to travel in straight lines.

4. Apparent movements of the planets are explained as combinations of their actual motions around the Sun and our shift of position as the Earth moves.

14. Переведите предложеиия, обращая внимание на перевод слов occasion л, occasional а, occasionally adv, происходящих от общего корня (10,30).

1. On the occasions when the Moon passes directly before or behind the Earth, an eclipse* occurs.

2. To-day a motor-car engine will run thousand of miles without needing any attention to the engine apart from occasional oiling.

3. That water exists on Mars is indicated by the white polar caps and by occasional clouds, but its amount is very small.

4. Most comets are visible only telescopically, but occasionally one becomes visible to the unaided eye.

* recoil - отдача

• shower - ливень

• shift -изменение, сдвиг

♦ eclipse - затмение

15. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения предлога by:

I. ««посредством», «путем (чего-л.)»; 2. выражает отношения, передаваемые творительным падежом (кем? чем?); 3. «к (какому-то времени)»; 4. «на (какое-то количество)»; 5. «по» «согласно (кому-л. или чему-л.)»; 6. «у», «возле», «около (чего-л.)»

1. И the thrust generated by the jet engine is independent of the forward speed of the aircraft, we could convert the thrust to horsepower by multiplying the airspeed in miles per hour by the thrust and dividing the resultant product by 375.

2. By 1914 the existence of radioactivity and the fact that atoms of one kind of element could change into another by emission of alpha or beta rays was well known.

3. By Newtons Second Law of motion, the product of a mass multiplied by its acceleration is equal to the unbalanced force causing the acceleration.

16. Повторение. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание иа перевод слова account и сочетаний с ним:

to give account, to tal<e account, to tal<e into account, account Is taken, on account of, to account for

1. Maxwells theory included an account of the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a medium such as glass. He was able to show that it gave a general account of the phenomena of reflection and refraction.

2. This book provides an account of the structure and characteristic activity of the sun.

3. This is a new edition * of the book, with much new information added to take account of recent developments.

4. The difference between velocity and speed is that speed refers only to distance covered by an object as it moves; velocity also takes into account the direction in which the object is moving.

5. Account must be taken of forces which come into play when acceleration exceeds the specified value.

6. On account of the complicated nature of the resistance of the air, an accurate mathematical prediction of the. trajectory of a projectile is difficult.

7. The laws of classical mechanics were unable to account for simple experimental facts concerning the behaviour of atomic systems.

8. Friction in liquids must be accounted for in this experiment.

Словообразовательное упражнение

17. Переведите следующие глаголы, учитывая, что префикс de- придает слову значение обратного действия, а префикс fore- соответствует значению приставки «пред-»:

demobilize, decode, deform, demagnetize, demilitarize, foresee, foretell, forecast

» edition - издание

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