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5. То defect the Very weak radio signals coming to the Earth from extra-terrestrial sources, a directive antenna and a highly sensitive radio receiver must be used.

6. In this part (of the book) most of the principal techniques involved in the fabrication of semiconductor devices are covered.

7. In sec. 6 the methods of purification and single-crystal preparation of semiconductors are discussed.

8. At the International Bureau of Weights and Measures at Sevres, France, the ultimate standards of length and mass are kept.

9. In several countries particle accelerators serving to split atoms and explore the fundamental nature of matter are being used.

3. Переведите предложения, в которых главным для сообщения является подлежащее (выраженное, как правило, существительным с неопределенным артиклем нлн без артикля при существительном во множественном числе); после сказуемого стоит группа слов, поясняющая его.

При переводе предложений подлежащее следует поставить после сказуемого (в конце предложения), а обстоятельственные слова, относящиеся к сказуемому, перенести иа первое место в предложении.

Примерная схема предложения: «В таких-то случаях важно то-то».

1. Several conclusions may be drawn from the discussion.

2. Much has been written on the problem of reliability of missiles.

3. In recent years, considerable research has been done, and complex, yet highly reliable, fuses are available for a variety of missile applications.

4. A serious problem arises in relation to take-off power requirements of the earth satellite.

5. It is usual to regard the troposphere and stratosphere as the lower atmosphere and the remaining regions as the upper atmosphere. Other classifications are sometimes employed.

6. The investigations of the upper atmosphere are being attempted in many countries. Rapid progress is to be expected during the coming year.

7. One of the leading rocket experts said that a 1,000,000 lb. thrust chamber is feasible from an engineering point of view.

8. An important special case arises, when two particles do not Interact with each other.

4. Переведите предложения, a которых главным для сообщения является подлежащее; после сказуемого стоит обстоятельственный инфинитивный оборот (относящийся к сказуемому).

При переводе таких предложений подлежащее обычно должно стоять после сказуемого, а обстоятельственный оборот переносится в начало предложения.

Примерная схема предложения: «Чтобы достичь цели, нужно сделать то-то».

1. Reactors must be cooled to prevent extremely high temperatures at their cores.

2. Piston engines are used to rotate a propeller, thus causing thrust which drives the aircraft through the air.

3. In aircraft defence systems, an additional device is needed to distinguish between friend and enemy so that the aircraft defence will not shoot down friendly aircraft.

4. A great deal of care has to be taken by the aircraft designer to lessen the noise in a passenger air liner.

5. Research work and experimental investigations are constantly in progress to find materials with magnetic properties better than those in use.

6. Care must be exercised to prevent damaging the instruments during the vibration test.

7. Use should be made of the oscilloscope to help localize troubles in the radar set.

5. Переведите предложения, в которых главным для сообщения является подлежащее; после сказуемого стоит группа слов, относящаяся к подлежащему.

Заметьте, что прн переводе таких предложений подлежащее будет стоять после сказуемого, а слова, относящиеся к подлежащему, следуют за ним.

Примерная схема предложения: «Был создан прибор, который...»

1. А small atomic battery has been developed which uses radioactive strontium from the ashes of nuclear furnaces.

2. Rocket fuels are used that burn at extremely high temperature resulting in high combustion chamber pressures and very high jet velocities.

3. A device is now in use which automatically opens the parachute at a predetermined altitude.

4. Toward the end of the nineteenth century a number of investigations were made of the discharge of electricity through rarefied gases.

5. Full investigation is being made Into the tremendous possibilities of the applications of isotopes.

6. A need exists for airborne electronic equipment of minimum size and weight combined with utmost reliability.

7. For the first time, a radio telescope has been constructed with sufficient directivity for the production of detailed "radio pictures" of the brightness distribution on the solar disc at decimetre wavelengths.

8. An investigation is described of the effect of extraneous radio-frequency interference in frequency-modulated multichannel radio-telephony transmission systems,

6. Переведите предложения. Обратите внимание иа то, что если после оборота с местоимением it (Л.) или с вводящим there (В.) стоит обстоятельство, то его лучще поставить в начале предложения.

A. 1. It has been known for many years that as one moves from the magnetic equator towards the poles, the intensity of the incoming cosmic radiation increases.

2. It has been mentioned before that the only type of pump that is inherently light enough for rocket applications is the centrifugal.

3. It can be seen from Table I that the tank voliime and, hence, its weight is greater for a given weight of low density propellant than for the same weight of high density propellant.

4. It is possible by using instruments mounted on rockets to find how ozone and molecular oxygen are distributed through the atmosphere.

5. It has been established by the use of recorders that the Sun is an intense source of X-rays.

6. It is essential In aeronautical study to understand how speed is measured.

B. 1. There is much less wind at high altitude.

2. There are other questions in addition to the question of weight and drag which determine the speed of the airplane.

3. In recent years there has been a rapidly growing interest among solid-state researchers in the problem of direct conversion of heat to electric energy by thermoelectric means.

7. Переведите предложения, содержащие сложное дополнение «существительное-!-пассивный инфинитив».

Заметьте, что перевод таких конструкций лучше начинать с инфинитива (в активной форме), а существительное (обозначающее объект действия) поставить после инфинитива.

1. If we want some Information to be sent rapidly we send it by radio.

2. Automation in industrial plants permits much-needed manpower to be used elsewhere.

3. Materials are constantly being improved and their introduction will enable weight to be reduced.

4. Spectroscopic studies of the radiation from aurora have enabled determinations to be made of the temperature in the region near the 70-mile level.

5. Solar battery is the ideal generator for an artificial satellite and will permit data to be obtained through the entire life of its electronic equipment.

6. The decrease in the weight of the structure of the aeroplane enables more passengers or more freight to be carried.

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